Chapter 78: Sammael

Haru read them one by one carefully and threw the paper after reading them. He constantly shook his head and wrinkled his face reading them, as if reacting to the words that were written sloppily.

He felt something grumbling inside his head and suddenly, like waterfalls suppressed against thick metal walls, memories rushed in. But not from the continuation of his life in the original world.

All the memories he had inside the Devil's world were returning in an instant.

His body bent and crumpled from the pain that he wanted everything to just explode. From the moment he stepped inside the Castellia Fort to their journey to Tale Park World. And then, to the Glowglass Woodland.

Even the memories of Camille, Alicia, and Mr. Wang—he regained all of them.

He broke cold sweat and when the flashes ended, he felt a bit refreshed. The pain was gone, the memories flooding stopped, and his body was a bit more relaxed. His shoulders slumped down and he laid down on the fresh green meadows.

Haru grabbed the journal entries again, continued reading it, then repeated it once more.

After he was done with all the journal entries, he heard footsteps from behind and when he turned around, he saw the old man, Mr. Wang.

"What, you entered the VR as well?" Haru asked.

"Your tongue's sharper now that you've lost some memories," He chortled. "I guess that's your true nature, huh?"

Haru's face was still indifferent. "I don't have a clue what you're talking about."

"You recognize me now."

Haru thought he'd keep up his face to them, but the old man had already busted it. He'll probably keep on probing him and taunting him, so he dropped the kind act.

"Yeah, I do recognize you. All of you," He replied. "If that answered your questions, you can now leave."

"When you first met us and even along the way until the Glowglass Woodland, you were like a good, upright, and responsible boy."

"Was it that disappointing that I turned out to be a murderer instead of an honor student in school?"

"That's right. You should've just let out the truth in the first place if you were agonizing over how you had to keep on conforming in that family or in that prophecy. You had to obey your parents so they won't kick you out? What kind of family is that?"

Haru gripped on the grass and later on stood up with an angry expression. "Get out!"


"Screw off! I don't want to see anyone! I just want to be alone!"

Mr. Wang taunted him with a laugh. "Oh? So now, you're being a rebellious teenager? What are you going to do? You're gonna murder me too?"

Haru gritted his teeth and glowered at the old man.

The tension only broke off when Mr. Wang backed away with a satisfied smile and removed himself from the VR.