Chapter 79: What Bitter Tastes Like

That night while Haru was wandering off with a distorted mind, wanting to kill himself, something appeared in a narrow empty street. It was the black tent where he met that old woman.

Haru thought that he'd meet a different person with a similar type of business, but when he went to it, it was the same person.

"Oh ho, you've returned?" She looked so delighted that she stood up and beckoned him to come sit across her. "Come in, come in! Let me see your palms again!"

Haru's face was exhausted and twisted with pain. The only thing that kept him standing was the addicting scent of the eerie darkness he felt again as a child. He sat across the old woman and saw her crystals shining brighter than how he remembered it before.

"Now, then," She sat properly. "Let's take a look at your fate again!"

Haru looked at her in contrast with her joyous face with his exasperated expression.

He shook his head slowly, "I'm not really in the mood."

The old woman looked disappointed as her arms slowly back away and her shoulders slumped. "Then… what did you come here for?"

Haru was confused. "What? I just saw you here. Are you still spouting that nonsense about being attracted to me because I'm like a compatible vessel or something?"

"But that's the truth! I'm always where you are! Especially when you're in doubt of something!"

Haru let out a sigh. "I want to die."

"But why?"

He looked away. "That's… none of your business. I just want to kill myself."

It was silent for quite a few minutes until the old woman began rummaging her things behind. Haru got a bit curious and intrigued about what she was up to. He saw her looking into some kind of a treasure chest.

Soon, she came up and gave a beautiful knife.

It was actually pretty because of the blue and purple jewels adorning it on the handle, whilst the blade shone perfectly, as if crafted by a god-sent blacksmith.

"Would this be enough?" The witch grinned, presenting the beautiful knife. "One stab and you're gone! Whoosh! Perfect for a good suicide, eh?"

Haru carefully received the beautiful knife with both hands and felt like he was entranced to it. Similar to the darkness' scent addicting his senses into coming here, the knife held a similar ambiance. But it was more intense and intimate.

Haru shook his head and returned the beautiful knife, "I can't use that to kill myself! That's too beautiful!"

The witch chuckled, "But it wasn't just beautiful, am I right? You felt something strange, didn't you?"

"Stop making me feel weird things!"

"What do you mean?"

"This! The scent of darkness and that knife's ambiance! It's as if they're alive and making me addicted to them!"

The old woman's expression looked like she found something interesting. She rubbed her chin as she pondered something.

"Anyway, don't you have a more ordinary knife?" Haru demanded. "Something that's not too pretty or addicting? Just a normal one!"

The witch breathed heavily. "I do have one, but in exchange for that…"

"What do you want?"

"Let me read your palm!"

Haru sighed, "Fine. Read my fate or whatever. I don't care."

Haru held out his palms to the witch and the old woman happily traced the lines on it. She read and produced her powers, looking into the young man's palm.

But it's as if something was protecting it, like a shadow trying to take over the light. It was interesting, the witch thought.

Soon, she gave up trying to probe through his life.

She gave a normal knife to the boy with a grin and bid him farewell. "Happy trip to death!" She exclaimed, waving goodbye to him.

Haru ignored him and went out of his way with the knife in his hand.