Chapter 87: Final Feasts

For the next few days, they each went about idly in the Grand Blisscade, waiting for the portal to the next world to open up.

They separated and went individually around the labyrinth that was the fourth world and eventually met up when it's finally time to go to the next world.

As Haru had mentioned before, it's their last world, so everyone else was thinking the same thing.

They're deciding to get the most out of the last world and decide which way to go—whether to stay or leave the devil's world and return to the original one that's soon ending.

Soon, they met up in the portal and went all together to the next world.

What appeared before them was like an empty heaven for the final world.

"Well, isn't this quite ironic?" Alicia chuckled with a wistful gaze around. "We were made to believe that all these are made by a devil, but would you just look at that? It seems like it's more like made by an angel!"

It felt like they were walking above the ocean with the crystal clear surface they're stepping on as a floor. The world doesn't have a horizon and it didn't have complicated features for them to figure out as well.

Unlike the Grand Blisscade with its confusing labyrinth and complex architecture, the last world, which they called the Light World, was just empty, but it was peaceful.

It's like the ocean and sky had their rendezvous and offered their place to them.

Even the jewels and the portal were placed right in front of them, arranged properly. It's as if being told that they could just put the jewels together and leave peacefully.

There's nothing to look for and there's nothing to be restless of.

And so, the old man, Mr. Wang put the jewels into place at the stone portal and it worked just like how the others worked before.

The portal gave a countdown of seven days once again and all they had to do was wait in that beautiful place until they could go back to their original world.

"S-Since this is the last time we'll be together complete," Camille exclaimed. "Should we have a meal together?! All of us! You know, for the last seven days we're staying here…"

Mr. Wang immediately agreed, "I don't mind doing that."

He even let out a calm and assured smile.

Out of all the people, Mr. Wang had warmed up to Camille the most, as he had treated her like a young daughter that he never had. And so, he felt a tinge of sadness and melancholy that he'd never see the young lady once again.

Mr. Wang, in all honesty, couldn't deny that he had truly enjoyed the company of having youngsters surround him and find out about what they've been through.

Their past and how they dealt with it, everything reminded him not only of his youth, but his senses that he had to pull together.

At first, he was planning to stay in the world, because he understood more than anyone and immediately accepted the truth that the world could actually be ending.

It didn't matter to him because he was dying as well.