Alicia and Haru went back to the worlds several times.
Camille and Mr. Wang even had to help to get all the foods they want and need for seven days.
It was a bit tedious at first, but they seemed satisfied when looking at the heaps of feast they were able to get.
They thought that all these delicious foods would be worth for the final world and the final days they have here. As they became satisfied and settled with everything, they sat around the foods and formed a circle.
They began talking about things, from their aspirations, their decisions, and their plans as soon as they get out of the devil's world and return to the original one.
"I wanted to get rich, but I don't think that's anymore possible," Alicia narrated, munching some chicken and drinking a carbonated drink. "Besides, if the world was really ending, then that doesn't matter too, right? What's the use of money if no one would have it anymore because no one's alive?"
"Yeah, that's probably the right way to think about it," Mr. Wang responded. "Didn't you say you were pursuing medicine for your son? Because that was your dream? What about that one? Would you still continue doing it? I'm sure the others are clueless about the world ending, so life's gonna go on until it really is the end."
"Hmm, I guess that's what I'll be doing if nothing else matters. Being rich or being a doctor and practicing medicine might not matter any longer, but I'm sure that my son's dream still matters!"
Alicia and Mr. Wang clinked their glasses, as if it's a wine. Out of consideration to Haru, though, they only brought in water and white-colored carbonated drinks. "Cheers and good luck to that."
"How about you, young lady?" Mr. Wang asked, nodding at Camille. "What would you do once you get out?"
"I'll probably try my best to pretend that I have lost my memories," She blatantly said, as if she had decided to do so from the very beginning. "I think I'd find it easier to go around the mansion and do what I want if I pretended to have lost my memories."
"Well, that doesn't seem like a bad plan, but why would you do that?"