Officially Meeting Bb

I follow her up the stairs, my mind still trying to think about how I got to know her, but it wasn't forthcoming at all.

Tired of racking my brain on how I got to know her, I decided to put up front and ask her about that.

Who knows, she might throw a bit of light on how she got to be so familiar with me.

"Have we met before?" I look at her in question.

Currently, we've entered the see-through elevator. Like I guessed earlier when I walked in, the elevator is for the workers.

"I don't think so. I would have recalled someone as handsome as you, have we met before." She gives me a critical once over. Her eyes analyzed me as the elevator continued to whatever floor she might have pressed the button off.

As the elevator continued rising, I can feel the eyes of the workers on us.

Their looks made me feel uneasy, but a chance look at the female who's currently escorting me to my office made me note how much she's basking in the attention we're getting.

"I don't know why? But you sound familiar. Is that odd to think of it?"

Maybe the problem is this, I might have heard her talking before.

That's something that would prove how familiar she is to me.

"Maybe you've heard Bin talking about me." She smiles.

"Bin?" My mind went back to the one person I never think I'll ever get over.

"I guess. He likes calling me BB." She supplied. A gigantic smile on her face.

"That's it!" Something clicked in my mind at her mention of her name. "He talks about you most of the time."

Bin always talks of BB whenever he thinks of his office. In a way, he likes how talkative she is.

Not to mention the name, he gave her. Being in her presence for a short while now has shown me how much of a busy body she is.

Bin sure didn't make any mistake when he gave her that name.

"You were the one he met when he returned here months ago?" Bin mentioned something about meeting BB at the company doors when he was on the verge of leaving.

"Hmm." She blushes a deep scarlet colour. "Am glad Bin talked of me. On a serious note, though, I also talk of him whenever I get the chance to do so."

"I guess." Who doesn't talk of Bin whenever they get a chance to?

I guess it's based on how lovable he truly is.

The elevator dinged after a short while, and we exited it.

Checking the floor number, I turned to BB(I guess that's what I am going to refer to her as from now on)

"We're not on the second to the last floor?" The last floor is Meka's penthouse.

I thought back to Bin's time here. According to him, the second to the last floor is Meka's office.

"That office is reserved solely for Sir Meka. His friend requested we do everything on the floors below. No one is permitted to go up there." She starts walking down the rows of closed doors.

My eyes took everything in.

Meka's office doesn't in any way look like the typical offices I've seen in movies. It looks more like a private personal establishment.

"This here is your office, but we'll get back to it when we're through with visiting Mr Dozzy."

Walking past a closed-door after I said office, she knocks on the other one.

"This is Dozzy's office?" I give her a questioning look. My eyes fastened to the door.

"Yes. He's just a door away from you."

"Come in." I hear Dozzy say after a moment. Behind closed doors, his voice sounds a little like Bin's, but it lacks the sweet musical sounds accompanied by Bin.

Without wasting more time on anything, BB impatiently opened the door. A large goofy smile on her face.

"Good morning, Mr Dozzy. Mr Osy is here to see you." She smiles at me before turning back to Dozzy who's currently standing up.

"Osy. You finally came to work." He walks towards me. "I was thinking of calling Bin to report your lazy arse."

"I hope you didn't. Although it would have been a futile thing."

Bin and Meka went to a place that currently has no cell reception.

How that was possible, I just don't know.

"You can now leave us." He smiles at BB who was giving his hand on my shoulder a look. A small knowing smile on her face.

What's wrong with her?

I inwardly asked myself, but made no move to ask her.

"Okay." With one final look at us, she leaves the room. Softly closing the door behind her.

"I guess you finally met Bb." Dozzy sighs.

Letting go of his hand on my shoulders, he walked back to sit on the chair he was currently occupying.

"I never quite believed half of the words Bin said about her, but now I do." She truly is a busy body who's undoubtedly on her way to spreading fake news about a person she just met.

"I guess we both are on the same level." Smiling, he brings out a massive file from his cupboard and passed them to me.

"The basic things you need are in your office. In that are things Meka wants you to complete in this place before his return."

"And you? What are you completing?" I look at the file in question. My brows raised at how big the thing is.

"One of the perks of being his brother-in-law is I don't get to do things like others. Don't forget, I have school to worry about, but you, you don't have anything to do as of now." He smirks at me.

"That's not fair!" I frown at him. "Why should I get the entire work, and you get nothing?" That's not just fair if you ask me.