Asking for directions

Dozzy was typing on his new system when I entered his office.

"You're through already?" He looked up in surprise.

"I wish."

"What's the matter?"

"Do you know Meka's favourite Café? " I Lean on the door, my mind mentally calculating the time given to me.

" Meka's what? " He tilts his head, confused.

" His favourite Café?" I frown at him, "did Bin tell you the favourite Café his boyfriend takes his coffee in?"

"Not at all, but wait a minute, are you thinking of going to that exact Café to have a drink?" He scoffed at his questions, "are you trying to go there to drink the same coffee Meka drank that endeared brother to him? " He wiggled his brows.

" I wish. " Checking the time on my wristwatch, I look at him, "the devil's incarnate asked me to get coffee for him from the same Café Meka buys coffee in."

"I see, but wait a minute, why did he ask you for a coffee on a hot afternoon?"

" He's odd. I think." I shrug at the question, as I don't know the right answer to the question.

Aside from the fact the boss asked me to get coffee for him, I don't know his reasons.

Sozzy coughed a bit to hide his laughter. " The boss has topped up his mode of torture. I can see that now. " He gives me a look of pity.

" Do you know the place or not?" I snap.

Presently, I'm in no mood to talk. The boss gave me the expiry of my time, It is not my intention to make him call Bin wherever he might be now.

"You're getting Feisty." He raises a brow," It seems the boss hashes transferred his snappy characters to you."

"I don't have the time to spend talking. I need to get things done before the elapsed ten minutes. "

" Ask BB then. She's sure to know the Café her boss frequents. "

" Thanks. " Without wasting any time at all, I exit his office and all but raced to the elevator.

With a location in mind, it won't be long until I get the coffee and return to the office in time.

Pressing the button for the first floor, I exit and walk straight to BB's office.

Passing the few females who are heading to their offices, I force a smile at them, my smiles causing them to giggle like school kids.

"He's handsome." One of the girl's whispers to the others.

"I wish…."

I walk past their gossiping place, as I don't have time to entertain girls. I have a task to take care of.

The first-floor office isn't like the floor I walk on. This place has glass demarcations instead of the wall demarcations on my ce floor.

Checking through the offices, I locate BB.

Well, it wasn't really difficult to locate her, as her voice presides that of the others. As she talked, she kept on making talking motions at them, and her emotions made her listeners more engrossed in what she was talking about.

Walking into the office, I silently motion toward her, but she didn't notice me at all. Busy with whatever lies she's feeding them, she didn't even notice my presence.

None of her three female listeners heard my calls, and nor did they notice my presence.

Here they are having a conversation during work time, and the big head devil's incarnate isn't doing anything about it.

Had I been the one having a conversation during work hours, he would have had my head a long time ago.

"Bb!" I whisper shouts, and that got her attention.

"Oh my God!" She dramatically gasped. "To what do I owe this surprisingly visit?" She asked, and that earned me the attention of the females with her.

"Good day." I smile at them.

" Hi." The ladies shyly waved back.

" I'll be back, I need to go check what this lovely boy wants. " Waving at them, she giddily ran to walk towards me. Taking my hand in hers, she leads me outside, and out of earshot.

Probably want to be the only one to hear whatever juicy gossip I might give out.

" What's it?" She's eagerly asked.

And here comes a disappointment for her.

"Do you by chance know the Café Meka frequents?"

"Oh," her eager face got a bit dull before it brightened once more. "Why do you want to go there? Anything special about it?" She wiggles her brows.

"The boss asked me to get coffee for him."

"This afternoon?" She widens her eyes.

"He needs to." Is the only answer I can think of, "do you know the place?"

"Of course I do! Will I be the female who knows everything if I don't know this? " She raised a brow. " You made the right decision by asking me that. "

" So you know the place? " I exhale in relief.

" I do." Linking our hands together, she smiled at the confusion on my face. " I'll show you the way. "



Right now, I'm standing in a long line waiting for my turn to reach.

Who knows, there are odd people everywhere. People of the same mentality as the devil's incarnate.

Counting the time, I prayed to whatever deity might be listening to me.

I only have three more minutes before the time he gave me will elapse.

Luckily for me, the line hurried more, and before a minute, I got to be attended to.

Only when it reached my turn did I recall something…

The devils incarnate didn't give me any money. He just sent his servant to get his coffee without giving me any money, probably expecting me to pay for the coffee with my blood, I think.

"I want black coffee. The pure black one with no....."

I pause when I recalled something. Since the Devil's Incarnate wants to prank me, it's only fitting I find something to retaliate. He's not the only one who knows how to act slyly.