Fed up with the insufferable boss

I walk into the building, humming to my side, I walk to the elevator.

So far, so good.....

I sang in my mind.

Waving at the workers I passed by, I smile brightly.

Today's going to end well.

"I can see you got the coffee." BB smiled brightly.

"Your directions were superb. I located the Café the instant I turned the corner. Thanks, once more." I wink at her.

"You're welcome. " She smiled brightly, "whenever you need a direction to wherever you might wish to go, you can meet me. There's nothing I don't know, provided it's in this country." She flicks her hair to the side.

" I'll keep that in mind, but right now, I need to go give this to the boss. He'll be waiting for this." I show the cup of coffee to her," I'll be on my way. " I walk to the elevator.

" Am also going up there…" She made to follow me into the elevator.

" Look!" I point behind her, "isn't that Bin?"

My words caused her to turn.

With her focus on the door, I close the elevator. Pressing the button to the boss's floor, I relax on the wall of the elevator.

Looking at the time on my wristwatch, I sigh in relief.

Two more minutes before the time he gave me elapsed.

I made it!

Fist pumping, I patiently wait for the elevator to arrive at my designated floor.

At the ding of the elevator, I rush to his office.

"Three seconds late." Was the first word he spoke to me the moment I entered.

"Par… Pardon?" I blink confusedly.

"You're three seconds late." He points to the clock.

"It's still a slim escape." I place the coffee in front of him. "I guess my time got wasted based on the long line at the Café."

" It's still tardiness."

" But…"

" Tomorrow, you'll have to do times two of the works you did today." He said in an authoritative voice. Giving the coffee a look as if it's something alien, he turned his focus to me.

"That's too much work! I barely completed the ones I did today." I sigh in exasperation as I imagined what I would have done to him had I been the boss.

Throwing him down the window seems kind.

"Are you complaining about it? I think a call to Bin is on the way." He picked up his phone, smirking at me. He gave me a look.

"You don't need to do that. I'll do the work tomorrow."

In some ways, should I get to complete my work on time, it means I am going to leave this place for good.

After all, who wants to work in an establishment where the boss is the devil's incarnate?


"I'll take my leave now." I turn to leave.

" You're not through with the task I want you to do." His words stopped me from leaving.

" What are the other ones?" I impatiently ask.

Instead of replying to my words, he took the coffee I placed in front of him and opened it.

This is it now.

I giddily rub my palms together as I watch him take a sip from the coffee, and…

He took more sips of the coffee as he continued to leave through the files he has in hand.

Why isn't he giving any reaction?

I racked my brain as I thought about the possibility the barista might have given me another person's order instead of the one I ordered.



"Come over here, I need you to get something done." He still took a sip of the drink.

Giving him a long look, I walk toward him.

"Am here." I stood a little distance from him.

"Come closer."

I close the distance between us, so I am standing near his table.

"You know what I hate in life." He stood from the chair he was sitting on, took the cup of coffee, he poured it onto the floor.

Eyes locked with mine, he emptied the cup, a smirk on his face. "Clean that." He commands.

"What?" I frown at him.

"You heard me right, clean the mess on the floor." He commands once more, the yellow of his eyes swirling as if it's dancing to a tone only it can hear.

"You were the one who caused the mess, you should get it cleaned up. I'm your worker and not your maidservant."

If he thinks he can command me to do stuff for him, then he's in for a surprise.

"A worker who didn't get what I requested?"

"Didn't I get the coffee you asked for? What else do you want me to get for you? A yacht? The entire world? The head of John the Baptist?" I mocked.

" I asked to go dark coffee, but you brought this…."

" I thought you had a sweet tooth, was the coffee too sweet for you, my dear?" I mocked some more.

Scoffing, I gave him a look. " You didn't pay for the coffee, and you still have the right to order the exact one you want? You're grateful I got it for you."

I frown at him.

Never in my life have I met someone as ungrateful as this male in front of me.

Not only is he ungrateful, but he happens to be someone who thinks the entire world is his, and he's free to do whatever he pleases whenever he pleases.

"You might be my boss, but that doesn't give you the right to control me. It gives you no right whatsoever.

Do you see this coffee you spilt on the floor? Go ahead and lick it off with your tongue, I don't care at all." I turn to leave.

" I think Bin will love to know his trusted friend doesn't care about his boyfriend's office." He said in a nod to get me to do the task.

"Go ahead and call Bin. All I know is I won't stoop so low as to do your every bid." With one final look at the dumbstruck boss, I bang the door behind me.

Fuming in anger, I walk to the elevator.