Why am I here?

It has been here for two days, well, that was until I lost count of the days I've been here. All I know is that I've been here for a long time now. But I've lost count of the days, so I can't tell the specific days.

Salen has still being a pain in the arse, but at least, he has allowed me to see my son.

Although, I've not touched my darling son. Just seeing him is enough for me. At least I know he's still alive and well.

So, that is enough for me.

The door to the room opened, and one of the guards came in.

He was carrying a tray of food, which he placed on the floor before he turned to me.

"I need to urinate."

"What? It hasn't been up to three hours that you urinated, and you want to do that, again?"

I shrug at his questions, "three hours is more than enough for someone. Some people urinate every ten minutes. So, what's wrong if I urinated three hours ago?"