Author's pov

"Get the file!" A crash was heard as Mar ordered his workers around. He kept up with throwing the files like they meant nothing.

And afterwards, he will still request the files he threw on the floor. It was nothing new in the office.

Everyone has already been updated when it comes to the boss and his mood swings.

One minute he will be neutral, and the next, files will fly around the place.

And this was the exact reason no one dared to come near his office, which is now on the first floor.

Ever since Osy left, Mar has been like a deranged old man. Kicking, biting and screaming like a person who has a loose nut in his brain.

But he isn't concerned about that. Nothing matters to him, not when his Ika is no more.

He felt like tipping anyone who comes in contact with him, to half. And he was ready to do that, had it not been for something withholding him.