Author's pov

"Where is my son?" Osy spat the blood from my mouth.

"Your son?" Salen laughed at his words. The whip, he was holding in his hands, made a sound as he tugged on it.

"Where is he?" Osy tugged on the chains that were holding him. And despite the pain from the chains, he still persevered.

His face was bloodied beyond recognition. His swollen eyes were bigger than anything I'd ever seen.

Salen laughed, "I got bored with you. So, I took it out on the boy." He laughed like a deranged human, and that pissed Osy off.

"Where is my son!" He tugged on the chains. He tightly clenched his teeth as he tugged on the chains, making the once hidden veins in his body show.

"Don't worry, I will show him to you." Salen smiled, proud of himself for what he did.

The sadistic man who knew no difference between an adult and a kid clapped his hands in Glee.

"If anything should happen to my son," Osy tugged more on the chains, "I will deal with you."