Blood bath

Everyone stood rooted to the floor as they watched the coffin float away. It was as if everyone were teleported into another land as they watched the coffin.

Cyp clung to Bin, who wasn't sleeping but watching as the current carried away the coffin.

The little boy might not know what was happening, but he undeniably knew it wasn't something happy.

The atmosphere was heavy.

"Father is gone," Cyp whispered as she watched the coffin.

It's now a valid fact.

The king is no longer in the land of the living. He has gone into the land of their ancestors.

No one moved.

Well, it wasn't until the current carried the coffin farther than anyone could see.

"Pay your last respect to the great king of Kakida!" The voice of the Ima rang throughout the place.

As one, everyone knelt with one knee and joined their hands together as if in prayer.

"The great king has gone to meet his ancestors. We ask for a safe passage for him.