"Hello, I am Grand Master Ares." The man who sat beside her bed said.

Ares had dark red hair, the color of blood. His eyes were reddish brown, and his skin was lightly tanned. He wore a dark purple hoodie and black jeans that were ripped up at the knees.

"Ok, well who is the person who just walked in?" Crysanthe asked.

"That's my older sister Enyo." Ares answered.

Enyo had hair slightly darker than Ares's. Her skin was the same tan as his, and she had blue eyes the color of an ocean. Enyo wore a black crop top and a red flannel skirt. She had a aura of power, and Crysanthe felt that she was dangerous. Also, they were both named after god's and goddesses of war, so they must be good at fighting. Crysanthe backed away from them, knowing this information.

"Why am I locked in here?" Crysanthe managed to ask, she felt like this was turning into an interrogation.

"We should tell her, shouldn't we." Gideon spoke to Enyo.

"Yeah, we probably should. So we're evil, and we want to make you more powerful." Enyo explained, turning over to her.

She felt ugly compared to Enyo. Enyo was quite beautiful, and she knew it. She stood tall with confidence in a way that made her feel small.

"Well umm... I didn't expect you to say that, in any case, what training methods do you have?"