It was all boring. Just sitting wrapped up in bandages sitting a bed in the healing center in the mansion. She wanted to get outside. She begged the nurses to let her outside, but they just shook their head. Now they were so used to her begging to get outside that they'd just shake their head before she even spoke. So that night when nobody was watching, Flosi snuck out of bed and opened the window which she in turn jumped out of. The healing center was on the top floor, so she had fun on a super long slide. She made it twist and turn in all sorts of interesting directions. When she reached the bottom, she leaped off. Of course she had gotten out of the bed to go to the bathroom and stuff so she was used to standing on two legs. She pranced around, feeling the warm breeze on her face. It was now spring, the winter had passed. The forest had come alive, birds sung songs, and the buzzing of native bees filled the air. No destructive honeybees in sight. But currently it was night. So instead, the chirping of crickets could be heard. The large moon smiled down on them. She took a large breath of the air. It now smelled like sweet flowers and sunshine. She walked into the forest, the towering trees above her, and the soft moss beneath her.

She was about to turn back when she heard somebody screaming her name, "Flosi, Flosi, are you there!?"

She ignored them and rose up on a root back to the window, and sat back in her bed. She had wiped the dirt off her feet on the root so nobody would notice. She hoped they would just call it a false alarm. She faked sleep, then she eventually fell asleep.

This activity became a weekly thing. Until one night. She had gone outside for her weekly walk, then snuck back in. But she didn't find what she expected. She found the lead doctor right in her room along with a nurse. Her eyes widened, she had been discovered!

"See, I told you!" The nurse told the doctor.

Flosi simply stared at them, terrified. She was frozen with fear, but she just picked them up with a root, so they couldn't tell and body. she made them some nice chairs out of the root, then lowered it to about ten feet above the ground. She then sat down in bed, and looked at them.

"So, you caught me. Please do not tell them, I really need this walk." Flosi spoke, strangely calm.

Why am I so calm? She asked herself in her mind, really not knowing why.

"Fine we won't, but we came here to say that you don't need to sneak out, in fact, tomorrow we were going to release you from the healing center, but you can go to your room now if you wish." The doctor replied.

"Okay, thank you." Flosi curtsied elegantly just to show that she was fine, then ran off to her room, with light footsteps to not wake anybody.