Chapter 6

Akari ran towards the harbor as fast as she could until she heared something that caused her mood to worsen.

"Shut up and stop crying faunus trash!"

Akari turned end ran towards that voice.

"Please stop hurting me."

At those words Akari already got her M16 ready and turned it into a Katana.

' Looks like I need to use this sooner than expected. '

As soon as she turned the corner she saw a young wolf faunus not above the age of ten getting kicked by two humans who look exactly how you would imagine a street thug to look like.

"How dare you kick a small child." shouted Akari while running towards them with her Katana.

The tow thugs looked towards her and when they had a small hint of shock within their eyes there heads were already rolling on the ground.

The wolf faunus looked towards Akari with fear in her eyes since she can't understand why a human would be friendly to her or even help her.

Seeing the facial expression of the wolf faunus she decided to drop her illusion and show her ears and tails which caused the wolf faunus to relax significantly.

"Thanky you."

'This girl is so cute how could someone be so cruel. '

Akaritransformed her Katana back into her M16 and put it on her back. After that she sat herself in front of the girl and said: "Don't worry little girl. They won't hurt you anymore. But do you know why they hurt you?" The girl looked at the ground.

" No I don't know why they do that. People often beat me up and call me names. "

" Do you have any parents or family you could go to?" Akari didn't want to simply leave her here to her fate and hoped she could bring them to her family but the girl only said: " No... "

Akari then decided to hug her. "Do you want to come with me?"

The girl looked at me and you could see the happiness in her eyes.

"Yes I would like to come with you."

Akari giggled at her cute expression.

" Alright whats your name then little kid. Mine is Akari. "

The girl showed a bit of reluctance before answering.

"My name is Mush. It isn't a good name right?"

"It is a cute name for a cute girl."

"Can I call you mommy?"

Akari was dumbfounded at that request. Although it was uncomfortable how could she deny Mush such a small request.

"I guess... it's okay..."

If anyone would have seen Akari they would have easily noticed that she was flustered but Mush didn't seem to notice and hugged Akari.

"Thank you mommy."

"Hehe... no problem Mush."

"What do we do now mommy? "

" Well little Mush I need to leave Vale. So we go to the harbor and drive with my boat to Atlas since I have some... buisness to do there."

"Okay I will follow you mommy. "

"Yeah... I will have to hide my ears and tails again okay little one? "

" Okay mommy. "

Akari hid her tails and ears again took Mush at her hand and started walking towards the Harbor.

' I didn't think I would have a kid that fast. '

The Akari's eyes looked on Mush who was happily walking besides here.

' She is full of bruises and wounds. Guess I have a goal now. To protect Mush and make sure such cruel humans won't live to see another day. '

The thought about killing racist humans left and right brought a smile on her lips. A very very creepy smile that would have had even the bravest running for their lives.

After a while Akari and Mush were able to see the gate to the docks.

'Why is here so much police? Could it be that they found out were we are heading. If that is the case then it means that a few hunters should be here too. This makes things complicated. '

' I could jump with Mush in my arms over the fence but I would be comprimised then since no normal person simply jumps over a fence. A shit I can only hope that my G-5 Torpedo boat is fast enough. '

"Mush it is going to be a bit dangerous so please do exactly what I say okay. "

Mush only nodded looking a bit scared. Akari picks Mush up and starts running towards the fence. The Police only saw her when Akari already had jumped and landed safely on the other side. Gunshots followed which alerted the police and hunters within the dock.

Akari ran straight towards the water which confused a few hunters.

Akari quickly pulled her G-5 Torpedo Boat out of her system and it appeared before her in the water. Those who witnessed a boat appear out of thin air were even more confused on what was going on. Only few were able to react and continued firing at Akari who already put Mush on a seat.

"Sit right there and don't move Mush. "

"Okay mommy but why are they shooting at us? Is it because we are faunus? " Akagi sat herself on the driver seat and started going full speed ahead.

" I will explain later okay just let me concentrate for now. "

The G-5 Torpedo boat was pretty fast with 53 knots (61mph;98km/h). The Vale Police still tried to shoot at the boat but it was already so far away that their shoots barely came close to hitting it and the hunter were just new students who didn't knew what to do about a boat this fast and can as far as they know appear out of nowhere. Akari could have just let it be and not make herself more enemy's but there was a transport ship of the Schnee Dust company fully loaded right in front of her. She aimed her boat and with a click of a button one of the two torpedos got dropped into the water and started heading for the transport ship. Akari turned her boat towards the open sea and was only able to hear the explosion that tore the transport ship apart.