
Whatever energy fighters used could be cultivated by practicing certain techniques repeatedly to increase your proficiency and reserves by depleting them and letting them recover. You could also increase them slightly by eating energy rich foods in a certain element, Rawst berries for example apparently had quite a little bit of fire energy in them which the body could absorb.

There were also various herbs and plants which could be turned into medicines which could be eaten for boosts. Crystal's which could be held and worn which leaked energy and could be absorbed slowly or with meditation.

So, pokemon, naruto, dungeons and cultivation? Did that god just jumble up everything into a single world?

Shaking my head I look through the techniques once more.

E-Rank martial arts, it was basically just instruction on how to throw punches and kicks and how to center yourself.

D-Rank martial arts, was a more specific martial art such as karate or kick boxing. Apparently fighters learned techniques rather quickly which was a plus side.

C-Rank Martial Arts was more advanced forms of the previous martial arts, kind of like going from a white belt newbie to a black belt.

"You know the basics right?" I ask Amber pointing towards the first manual.

"Yes master they taught me at the league." She says with a smile.

Nodding my head I grab the E Rank basics which was only like $100. The D-rank was $250 I picked up a set I recognized from my world, Muay Thai and Aikido. Muay Thai focused on punches, kicks, knees and elbows, there was some grappling and defensive stance. It was rather violent and I've always wanted to learn it, as for Aikido well that was for throwing and joint locking.

The C-Rank was $1000 but hell I have some money to spend.

The other part that was good was that it had no energy requirement. It was just martial arts.

"Are we getting all these master?" Amber asks with an excited look at the cards in my hands.

"Yep, I'll even be learning them with you." I smile at the girl who looks even more thrilled and I can see her practically vibrating in place.

She is really excitable.

Moving into the next set of techniques, these are like the body enhancing which is basically a small boost to everything, strength speed, attack, defense. However they have some specialized ones that focus more on certain aspects, such as speed burst or mega punch. These ones do have an energy requirement however they don't have an elemental requirement.

I guess in pokemon terms they would be normal moves? Well mega punch was always a normal move I suppose.

They cost almost a bit more than the martial arts manuals. Both happen to be D-Rank. The ones above that are Body Flicker, and Crushing Blow.

If Speed boost is a single burst of speed in one direction, then body flicker can move move multiple times in different directions.

As for crushing blow, i guess it reminds me a bit like Tsunade from Naruto, if one could break wood with the mega punch then the other could break stones.

I grab both of those as well. They had the requirement that you needed to learn the previous one to be able to use them anyway.

Next up was elemental attacks, which was basically what Ember was. You needed to have a certain elemental energy, of course others could also learn it but it was much harder to learn a new elemental affinity that wasn't normal type. Above Ember was Fireball and Fire Punch, and above that was Grand Fireball and Flamethrower.

I grabbed all 4 moves.

Really I'm burning through money already.

On the next shelf was the basic meditation technique which was E Rank, that was it. I grab that too. I really need to be careful with how much I spend or I'll be broke before I know it. This is like the most I've ever soenr in one go and I wasn't done yet.

The next shelf had work out routines to strengthen the body, which I grabbed as I had no idea about proper work out routines.

Shaking my head I make my way over to the counter with Amber.

"How can I help you today sir?" The assistant asks.

"Yes I need these manuals I would also like to purchase the Premium Adventurers Mobile Base." Better to buy what I have on hand first and see what I have. I don't feel like going hungry because I blew all my money on techniques.

The assistant smiled brightly and added everything up. "All together the total will be $23,277."

I hold up my communicator and connect it before approving the payment. Thankfully it worked like a bank card.

"I will be right back with your goods sir." The man said politely before heading towards the back.

I took off my pack and set it on the counter before opening it.

The assistant returned with an armful of books. "What color would you like for your base sir? We have gray, black, blue and white."

"Black please." I look over the books to make sure that he had brought everything.

A minute later he returns with a similar black cube with a button on the front like the one already in my bag.

"I'm sure I don't have to remind you, but selling of techniques is strictly forbidden by the league. Doing so will get you in trouble with the law and a ban on buying techniques in the future." The man says.

"Gotcha." Seems the league doesn't want its techniques being spread around all willy nilly or others taking its money.

I place all the manuals in my trunk along with the new base, I'll be keeping the old one for emergency situations.

"Anything else I can help you with today sir?" The man asks.

"Fire crystals please." I request.

"Certainly sir follow me." He says walking over towards a jewelry area.

Inside the specialized glass cases are numerous red and orange stones.

The smallest look like diamonds that could fit into a ring and the largest was a fist sized stone.

The small one was $1000, the next one up was maybe thumb sized at $10,000 and the fist sized one was a whopping $100,000.

There were also various sets of jewelry they could be mounted in or boxes that stopped the energy from leaking out.

"I'll take 2 of the D Rank fire crystals with a necklace mount please." I request. "The black corded ones please."

"That will be $20,055." He says as he types in the prices.

Paying out another hefty sum he grabs two of the stones and the cords before putting them into a small machine which mounts the crystals into the necklace.