7. Prep work.

By the end of the day we had everything I thought we would need. For now atleast. I was down a couple hundred more dollars, but we had new clothes, blankets, pillows, food, gardening tools. I actually managed to find quite a few seed packs being sold in the stores which would have helped instead of buying the berries which were expensive.

By the time we were done it was already night time and I was exhausted. We ate some food from a nearby stall as I didn't feel like cooking before heading home.

A quick shower and then right to bed. I had kind of been running on an adrenaline high, I mean dying, getting wishes, coming to a new world, getting a gorgeous girl as a fake ninja pokemon, a sweet new place to live. It kinda all just wore me down as my excitment blew over a bit, well that and running around buying things to pimp put my secrets base, it's every guys dream to have a sweet secret base.

The next morning I woke up quite refreshed Amber cuddled up to my side snoring softly.

Honestly it's been a bit of a change having a girl around. My last relationship didn't really go to well and it kind of put me off on dating. Seems my type ended up being the ones who like to drink and party, then cheat.

I wave away those nasty thoughts and smile at the adorable red head. Today we were going to plant the stuff we bought yesterday, then read the manual on meditation. I also needed to try out my fighters body, if it turns me into a girl I swear I'll quit. What I'll quit I don't know yet, but I will.

A pair of redish orange eyes pulls me from my thoughts, Amber looks confused for a second before a brilliant smile like the sun lights up her face.

"Well goodmorning beautiful." if possible her face lights up even more.

"Master~" Amber purrs out before initiating a deep kiss.

Seriously affectionate this one.

A couple minutes of affection later. "Alright, let's get ready for the day. We have a lot to do and then we can start training." I smile my partner before crawling out of bed to make breakfast.

"Yes master!" She says happily.

A nice breakfast which happens to be an oran berry smoothy. Oran berries are a bit odd, they taste like a range of other berries. One sip is citrusy the next is sweet, the next sour. It's like a new smoothy in each gulp and it fills you with energy.

"Alright this morning we are going to plant the berries and seeds we bought yesterday, then we can read that book on meditation. Okay?" I ask Amber.

She nods while sipping on her smoothy.

We finish our breakfast, set our cups and blender in the dishwasher before grabbing the gardening tools, berries and seeds and heading outside.

"Alright, let's plant everything in neat rows about 10 feet or so apart. Get ourselves a nice little orchard growing in a couple months." Surprisngly it was rather easy to get a couple hundred seeds and berries planted. You get a nice rhythm going and things go fast. Stick in the trowel, scoop up some dirt, drop in a berry or seed, put the dirt back in, water, take a couple steps and repeat. Every 10 seeds move over to the right 10 steps and repeat before going the opposite direction.

Looking over the field Amber giggles. "I think it's a bit slanted?"

"Shhh, it's perfect." I deny with a chuckle.

So maybe it wasn't the straightest plant job but it will do.

Heading inside we clean up the dirt on our hands before grabbing the book on meditation. Well I give that one to Amber, I grab myself the book on Ember. "Here you go, once you've got it figured out let me know. I'll be looking over this one." I tell her and plop down on the little comfy loveseat, dunno what material this is but it feel kind of like air and memory foam. Keeps my butt nice and cool, always hated sweaty butt, my dad had this leather furniture I despised.

Amber plops down next to me and cuddles into my side with a smile.

Meanwhile I mentally activate my fighter body. What a rush! I feel a heat through my body from the top of my head to the tips of my toes.

It wasn't a bad heat, more like a smouldering warmth like drinking hot chocolate on a cold day. I feel like something new is now pumping through my body.

Is this that new power or chakra or something? If its chakra I know a couple of tricks from Naruto, he may not be the brightest ninja but I know a couple moves. Tree walking, water walking, leaf sticking, I couldn't tell you the handsigns for shit but I know about the Rasengan. I watched that ball of chakra and the training for it in the show.

Quick check, no breasts and my willy is still there Thank God. No external changes from what I can tell. "Do my eyes or hair look different?" I ask Amber.

"No why?" She asks confused.

"Ah I'll explain later go back to reading." I smile at her before opening the book on Ember.

So no external changes, that's a good bonus. Wouldn't want people looking at me for having glowing eyes or my hair turning red or something.

But who cares about that! I'm going to learn how to fucking blow fireballs! More of a lightning fan personally, but fire is still good. Nice element to have for multiple different uses, cooking, light, damage, alchemy, the list goes on.

Still blowing fire balls is going to be killer when I get up to that.

For now let's read over this ember manual, it's supposed to be the basic fire move and easiest to learn. Hopefully it doesn't take me forever.