8. Little Chat.

"Are we going to be getting more fighters soon master?" Amber suddenly asks still looking at the manual.

"Huh? No why?" I ask a bit confused about what brought this up.

"Why not? I heard that trainers usually go and try to find reliable partners, we have this large home already. If we are going to get started on training wouldn't it be wise to get more fighters so we can all start out together." She asks stating a good point but...

"There are a couple of teeny tiny problems I would like to solve before that. First off let me be completely honest with you ok? I have no idea how to be a trainer, I was kind of put into this position with no knowledge of trainers or fighters so I'm learning as we go. It may sound strange but let's just put it like I have no idea about this world at all okay? I've been scanning and going over everything and just trying to figure out what's going on, I'm a teensy bit overwhelmed by everything." I speak truthfully and she nods in understanding listening very closely. "Second, I've blown through about half of my funds in 2 days. A portion of that was spent just trying to get myself some steady ground to stand on while I learn what is going on. The base for a home, the garden and such for money and food in the future, the techniques so I can at least give you something to practice while I'm running around like a chicken with my head cut off and trying to make a plan. Currently I have no income and barely a clue on how to make myself money, I have no idea about dungeons, I have barely an idea about ferals. Getting badges? I learned about those badges and everything else yesterday. I have a single person I know in this world that I can rely on and that is you, I have nobody I can call, no friends and no family. The only reason I'm not completely freaking out is mainly because I've been going nonstop just working to distract myself."

Amber just takes this all in quietly.

"I would like to make sure I can take care of you and me before I bring in anybody else. I want to get at least a little bit of cash flow going somehow. If I have to walk my ass around the forest and pick berries to sell at the market then that's what I'll do. I have no intentions of going into the dungeon until I know what inside of it. The monsters, the environment, what's valuable, things like that. I also want to be able to at least protect myself to some extent. I'm not saying i don't trust you to protect me, but i don't want to be a burden and have no way to defend myself in an emergency. I need to plan, I need to know what's going on, I need to make sure we have food in our stomachs, clothes on our backs and a safe place to stay. There is no rush okay?" I ask the girl with a soft smile.

"I understand. I'll do my best to help master." She says with a serious look in her eyes.

"Great, I just wanted to let you know what's going on. I'm not disagreeing that we could use more people or that it would be a smart option. I'm also not regretting anything like becoming a trainer as I probably would have done it anyway later on. It's just we need a solid foundation to stand on before we make any big moves." I give her hand a little pat. "It would also make me feel much better if we could get some training done, I'm not calling you weak. I'm just saying that having d or c rank abilities before we make a move would probably make our lives easier and keep us alive much longer. I don't want to be killed because of some accident or we meet something we aren't ready for."

That would be incredibly stupid if I died from something easily preventable by just learning a bit more about the world.

"Of course if we find someone who could join us and it isn't out of our way then I have no problem taking them in. I just need to be a tad bit careful so we don't end up broke and starving that would be tragic." I was relieved to clear up the air a bit, didn't know how much I was bottling up.

"Thank you for explaining this all to me master. I'll work hard so you don't have to worry." Amber says before turning back to the manual and reading it even more seriously than before.

With a small smile on my face I return back to my manual on ember to read it once more.

There were various parts of the technique all from hand signs to energy moulding. 3 hand signs which I read the more you master the moves or abilities the less you needed to use. Then you needed to mould the energy in your body forming it from the stomach up your throat and into your mouth before releasing it.

It didn't seem too difficult but then again I'm new to all this so going to start slow by memorizing the hand signs. I have no idea why the need for hand signs, maybe it's like magic incantations where it helps guide the energy or form it into what is needed? I'll have to look more into that.

About 30 minutes later "Master I'm going to try to meditate." Amber says before standing up and sitting nearby on the ground cross legged and closing her eyes.

Meanwhile I start trying to do the so called hand signs, however my fingers are a bit clumsy and stupid from never doing them before, just something else I'll need to practice with.