12. Training 3.

The next morning I woke up a little sore it wasn't as bad as I had expected it to be. Trust me I've worked out before so I was expecting that excruciating muscle pain the day after a good work out. But I was pleasantly surprised.

The energy in a fighters body helps to heal quicker plus the oran berries in most of the meals helped too.

A large breakfast of eggs, sausage, another morning smoothie filled with oran berries and we were once again outdoors doing training.

The only part of the routine that changed was Amber trying out the fireball technique. However it failed, she could use ember about 7 or 8 times before running out of energy though so I was expecting her to be able to hit d-rank energy soon.

I managed to get off a good Ember occasionally, which wore me out. But it also gave me time to practice meditation to recover. I failed more times than I succeeded though, but practice make perfect.

We didn't leave the internal world for the week but during that week we had quite the progress. I could now effectively use ember every time I tried and Amber had succeeded in using fireball officially putting her in the D-Rank even if she could only use the move once before being out of energy. I could use ember 3 to 4 times before I was exhausted so I was still low E-Rank.

The leaf balancing exercise was coming along well, I could finally hold a leaf to my head. Which was a great accomplishment to me.

Meditation was also improving rapidly however I still felt it wasn't good enough to wear the necklaces yet.

But overall I was delighted by what a week of work could do. They may seem like small acheivements but it was a big leap for me.

Of course the diet of Rawst Berry filled foods helped. It may not be a lot of energy in the little berries but if you keep adding drops to a bucket you'll eventually get a full bucket. It would also assist in making any fire moves hotter. I think I have a training plan for that shit too I remember something from Naruto but I'll worry about that later as it's supposed to take a long time.

"We are out of the meals, seems like we have to go shopping again." I groan closing the fridge.

Another $1000 floating right into our stomachs.

I've been trying to avoid going into town because everytime I do I lose massive amounts of money.

"Still good for us to go out for a change of view." I grab my gear as Amber brightens up.

Once more we appear on the forest I've yet to explore and head for the town, however there seems to be something going on as there are people all over the place.

"Hey, what's happening?" I ask a nearby street vendor.

"Monthly Auction of some rare items or fighters people have gotten." The man says pointing towards a building that says League Auction.

Luckily it's free to enter as I was rather curious. I had always wanted to go to an otherworldly auction house and experience it. In my previous life my uncle actually ran an auction house.(This is true every Sunday my family would go there I even worked there as a kid for money every weekend. Just moving furniture and stuff to be sold as I was always a big kid.) I got myself a number before heading over towards the seats.

"Up next we have a B Rank Earth Crystal." A woman in a red dress who looked rather nice shouts as a large brown head sized crystal is wheeled up on stage. "Starting bid is $500,000, increments of $1000 only."

Quickly the price skyrockets.




$1,200,000 before being sold off for $1,375,000.

Up next was a case of head sized Sitrus berries about 50 of them. Sold for $25,000 much to my shock.

Mostly though it was elemental stones.

"Are we here to get something?" Amber asks watching the stage.

"Not really I was just curious." I admit.

The next second the auctioneer woman suddenly frowns. A picture pops up on the screen behind her, it shows a pale skinned girl like super pale she even had white hair, however her eyes are pitch black besides an ominous red pupil. I hear some murmurs in the crowd.

"For our next sale we have a Ghost type Fighter, the owner simply asks for $200 to pay for his ball any takers?" The auctioneer asks.

Ghost type fighter? I raise my hand quickly.

Instantly. "Sold!" She points towards me.

There wasn't even a count down or anything.

I hear a couple of chuckles from the crowd and people saying I got scammed or was suicidal.

Which was pretty confusing to me. But I dont give a shit. Ghost type fighter, ghosts where in my top 3 for pokemon. Dragon, Psychic, then Ghost.

I pull out my communicator and search up ghost types to see what everyone is talking about.

Seems however that ghost types draw lifeforce from their master through the bond shortening the life of the trainer. So nobody wanted them, they also focused mainly on life draining skills. They don't need to eat however they can, mostly they get sustenance from the bond or draining enemies to death.

"We have a new member?" Amber asks confused as it was a quick reaction on my part when I heard such a cheap ghost type.

"Yep, let's go get her...after this next auction."

"Up next we have a medium sized Lava Fruit. Price starts at $500. Great for those of you with earth or fire type fighters." I recognize the glowing orange fruit from subnautica.

I get it for $1200, apparently dual type fruits are rare but I'm going to plant this bitch.

Heading out after that I make my way to the front and pay my $1400 and recieve a ball and the orange glowing fruit which is warm to the touch. Holding the button on the ball I feel a pinch. "E- Rank Ghost type registered, no known moves, no known abilities, age 67."

Whoo 67 years old? She looks 18 but I guess they don't age I'll need to look more into ghost types.