16. Check up.

I had swapped back to my fire type body before returning to the house. The girls were still looking for me after I had vanished.

"Alright ladies I've decided that we are going to go get you two check ups. Amber you've been working hard this past week I want to make sure you don't have any hidden injuries and are healthy. As for you Stella a check up is still needed just to make sure you are healthy and nothing is wrong. However now that I say it getting a ghost a check up is rather odd kinda feel like it's a bit late at that point." I admit to the girls.

"Where did you go?" Amber asks with worry.

"Over to the graveyard area to try a soul fruit. I can move between the areas instantly." I tell her with a grin.

"Hmph, you made us worry." She says pouting and crossing her arms.

"Sorry, well now you know. Besides I wouldn't leave you guys here if I was heading outside as I don't feel like getting attacked or something." I tell her. "So check ups, I want to make sure you are both healthy. I should probably get one myself but I dislike hospitals. That and they might find something odd about my body."

"Okay. Are we going now?" Amber questions.

"Yep, let me grab my trunk and then we can head out." I tell her grabbing my bag and swinging it over my shoulders and making sure I had my balls attached to my belt.

Back in the city we head towards the medical center which kind of reminds me of a pokemon center mixed with a mall/inn. There is a large cafeteria where people are eating, a laundry and shower area for people who are traveling, rooms for rent, even a small shop.

Heading up to the counter I'm disappointed there isnt a Nurse Joy but oh well.

"How may I help you today sir?" The brown haired woman asks with a smile.

"I'm actually here to get my fighters check ups, one I just recieved today and the other has been training hard this past week. I want to make sure there are no problems or know if there is anything I should look out for." I direct her attention to the two behind me.

"Certainly sir, may I see your trainer ID?" She requests and i pass over my communicator which she hooks to her computer before tapping away.

"Alright everything checks out, if you could place them in thier balls we can give them a quick check over, and heal any wounds they have." She says.

"Could I also request and energy examination?" I ask.

"Certainly." She taps in the computer.

I turn towards Amber and Stella. "Alright I'll see you both in a bit." I give them a quick kiss and call them back into thier balls which is odd before placing them in a tray the nurse handed me. "The check up should be over in an hour sir, there is a waiting room off to the side." the nurse says pointing towards a nice looking lounge with a couple of people waiting inside.

Heading over I grab a magazine off one of the tables and plop into a chair.

However before I can even read it..

"Aren't you the lad who bought the ghost at the auction?" A gnarled old voice asks.

Looking over its indeed an elderly gentleman who was looking at me with a friendly smile.

"Sure am." I respond with a smile.

"And did you decide to bond with her?" He asks intrigue clearly on his face.

I nod at the man. "I did, I have no reason to turn down such a good partner."

"Are you not worried about the life draining?"

I just shrug. "The way I see it I gain far more benefits than negatives."

There was a snort from the side as another person asked. "What kind of benefits could be worth losing probably years of your life?"

The old man looks at me also curious about that.

"People seem to just see the negatives, the don't see the fact that not only could a ghost type be incredible powerful she is also extremely cheap to train. She doesn't need to eat, she doesn't need sleep, physical attacks are pretty much useless against her, she makes a perfect assasin or scout being able to go invisible or intangible, I don't have to worry about physical training for her, I even got my ghost training manuals for free because the assistant at the shop was terrified of her." I laugh soon joined by the old man who chuckles. "So basically I've gotten myself a partner that could look out for me at all hours of the day and not strain my wallet. Even then if she wanted to eat, a quick stroll through the graveyard and I've got all the soul fruits and spirit flowers I need free because nobody wants them. I personally see this as a win, besides how many people have ghost types or know how to fight them?"

"Not very many, I can see your point it is extremely wise." The old man nods his head.

"But you are also killing yourself being bonded to her. Is that really worth years of your life?" The other man questions again.

"Sure, why should I be afraid of dying a little bit early when I don't even know when I'm going to die in the first place? If I worried about that then I wouldn't worry about eating unhealthy food which probably cuts off more life than she does with the bond." I joke. "Think on going to give up bacon sandwiches just because it might kill me off sooner or later? Hell no."

A couple of people in the room chuckle.

"That's pretty smart of you, so even if your new partner doesn't need to eat you've already got plans?" The old man asks.

"Yeah I already went through the graveyard and grabbed up food for her, no need for her not to eat while I do. Just makes me feel awkward when all it takes is a little effort on my part for her to have something she can enjoy you know?" The old man nods his head.

"Say, you seem like an incredibly bright child could I have a moment of your time?" The old man asks.

"Hmm? Sure why not?" I shrug.