20. Windfall 3.

Don't get me wrong I was thrilled to have all these things, however I also felt like I've been flexed on by some old man at the hospital. Not a good feeling.

Moving away from the fully equipped gym we come to a lab which has everything from fancy scanners and medical equipment to machines that makes potions and balls, I have no idea how any of it works but I know its fucking expensive.

A library containing all sorts of techniques up to A rank for just about every element and martial arts or weapons training manual, an armory filled up with weapons and armor of all kinds at least being B-Rank. A training simulator filled with dummies capable of teaching those skills and sparring with self repair abilities.

The more I looked the more intimidated I became just from this worlds military capabilities. Fighters were basically ninja in my eyes and if you just gave the leaf village this shit, they would pump out fucking monsters yearly.

"Its a bit much for 4 people but I guess I'll just have to deal with that." I laugh. "Let's just get the things from the old base and move everything into here." Not that we would need anything besides the fucking clothes. I could probably sell the premium base back and some of my other items for some cash in my account. But fuck it no use crying over spilt milk ehh?

"Its been a long day anyway." I sigh rubbing my head. I had a lot of things to do tomorrow. "So everyone can pick a room or share with me I don't mind but I'm ready for dinner then a shower then I'm going to bed."

And just like that my hectic day ended cuddled up under my 2 new partners and Amber.

The next morning was a bit odd feeling having to eat in a cafeteria but I just sucked it up. Luckily Rook could kind of cook it wasn't the best but not the worst, it was edible.

"So what do you specialize in Rook?" I ask my newest member.

"Boxing, Kick Boxing, Military Boxing, Judo and Daggers. Fighter types like me have increased physical capabilities and seem to pick up on martial arts faster than other types. I'm also proficient in movement techniques and body enhancing moves, I'm a purely physical fighter." Rook says proudly.

"Seems I got both ends of the spectrum yesterday, Stells is purely an elemental fighter and then there is you with your physical abilities." I smile stuffing some nice tasting eggs into my mouth. "Are there no fighting elemental abilities?"

"Not really, we are known more for speed and power along with our abilities to easily learn hand to hand and weapons skills." Rook says with a shrug.

Well that means I can just focus mainly on my fire type and ghost type abilities since fighting type seems to be a passive strength increase and learning ability. 'Can I combine the fighter class with the ghost and fire classes?'

[Fire/Fighting combination succeeded.]

[Fighting/Ghost Incompatible.]

I switch to the Fire/Fighting body and feel my muscles twitch slightly.

"This morning we can plant some of the berries in my orchard that I don't have so they can start turning into trees. Since they wont grow bigger in the greenhouse it's best to get some growing outside." I state. "After that we can figure out a new training schedule and properly get everyone settled and start learning more about each other."

"Okay master."

"Yes darling~"

"Sounds good to me."

After breakfast we head to the greenhouse and start picking berries to be buried. Grabbing the gardening tools after picking a couple hundred we make our way to my not slanted orchard and start digging and planting berries.

The best they could reach in the greenhouse would be small trees if planted in the larger plots which they weren't. It was good now that we could probably start selling some berries for cash but we don't need to as we had no need for money right now since we had everything we needed, If I need to I can sell some things for funds.

"Do you not have any badges yet?" Rook asks as we dig holes and drop in berries.

"No, I've only been a trainer for a week. I also only had a single team member which was Amber. I wasn't even planning to get more anytime soon as I wanted to make sure we had a good base set up and proper techniques before trying as a rookie." i explain.

"I can help with training. Well combat training, I don't know much about elemental training as that isn't my strong point." Rook says with a smile. "Then we can go get badges and start earning money."

"How do the badges work exactly?" I ask a bit unsure if they were like pokemon gym badges or what.

"Well it's kind of like a battle and exam, you have to decide which rank you want to take such as the E-Rank test you need to be able to beat 3 trained E-Rank fighters. So usually you have to have 3 E-Ranks of your own. Most of the time you need atleast mid rank skills to pass as each of the fighters is put at mid rank to high rank to effectively test the challengers. Once you pass the test then you'll be considered an E-Rank trainer and be allowed to take on certain dungeons or take on jobs at the Adventure guild. Things like gathering certain herbs, or getting various items found in forests or dungeons are the most common missions. You will also recieve a monthly stipend from the league as long as you complete at least 1 mission a month for the guild. The mission must be ranked the same or higher than your rank or it won't count, you can also only take missions up to 1 rank above." Rook explains as we all listen closely.

"Seems simple enough, so can we do a sweep of the gym such as you fighting against all 3 or are we required to have at least 3 participants." I ask curiously.

"You need to have 3 fighters at least to be available for the rank up. They all need to be part of the fight as the league doesn't want people depending on a single fighter as that could be dangerous." Rook says making me sigh but its it's fine.

"Well once Stella gets some moves under her belt I suppose we could take the test. I want her to hit at least D-Rank low for elemental moves. Going to try to go at least a rank above the badge requirement." I tell the trio who nods. "Shouldn't take too long a week or two maybe and during that time we can train more and get to know each other better. Also gives us time to adjust and figure things out in this place."