30. All according to plan.

Well it wasn't what I had expected but I figure it was a bonus. I could train Nagato up with Konan however I was missing quite a few things.

I'll have to find them from some of the villages. Mostly information about sealing and certain techniques. I had techniques from my world but it was missing quite a few things. Genjutsu, Any type of clones, sealing which Uzumaki were best at, shurikenjutsu wasn't a thing in my original world so I didn't have books on that. I had grass moves, I don't know how those transfer over to wood and I didn't know shit about paper jutsu.

So I'll do what any ghost is probably the best at. I'm going to steal some shit!

The duo needed time to recover anyway so I had plenty of time to prepare.

Currently I was in the country of Rain which is basically ground zero between the war of the Rock and the Leaf. It was currently led by Hanzo of the Salamander a man known for using poisons. I was curious what would happen to him since Nagato is supposed to kill him in like 15 years or something.

I had no idea about exact time lines when wars started or what happened when so I was simply going to do my best and my best started off with me looting whatever fucking village I could. Techniques, Equipment, Books, it didnt matter to me because I'll sort all that shit out later on.

Luckily I could get information about where the rain village was rather easily. Almost everyone knew where it was and was heading there for safety from the war. So who would notice someone invisible and intangible floating along from above?

It didn't take more than a couple of days for us to find the main ninja village which was under heavy surveillance. We still had quite a few things to worry about in this world even as ghosts.

I didn't know if any of the eye bloodlines could see us such as the Sharingan and th Byakugan but I knew for sure the Rinnegan could. The only reason Nagato didnt react was because I snuck up on her. But the Rinnegan can indeed see ghosts.

Well it does have the ability to summon the king of hell, rip out souls and revive people so I guess seeing souls is a thing.

"Alright, I want to know the location of the armory, the library, and where they keep all the jutsu." I tell Stella as I'm not afraid to admit she is much better at stealth than I am. It all comes extremely naturally to her. Meanwhile I have to focus on everything.

"Yes darling~" She gives me a cute little salute before vanishing to do her assignment.

"What about me master I want to help!" Amber asks eagerly.

"Your job is to make sure Konan and Nagato get healthy, I also want you to teach them meditation, and leaf balancing. Rook is going to get them started on some very simple exercises and teaching them basic boxing for now. I am going to see if I can find the location of the other villages." I explain the plan.

"Um...what about us?" Nagato asks shyly.

Konan just looks at me.

"I want you two to focus on getting better, when I'm gone make sure you listen to Rook, Stella and Amber. They are going to be teaching you things. I'll also join in on your training, but I have some jobs to do first." I explain.

~1 week later.~

I had joined Stella in the scouting so I could get used to where everything was. When I struck I was going to strike incredible fast and I was going to take everything.

As far as I see it, me stealing weapons and jutsu means less people dying from them. I can only be fair and hit all the villages too hopefully.

I wanted this plan to be flawless, so we made sure i knew the quickest paths to my targets.

A couple of days later I struck. The office of Hanzo first he had quite a few little nifty items hidden inside which I snatched before immediately moving to the jutsu library. Entire bookshelves of scrolls suddenly started to vanish under the shocked gaze of the guards.

The alarms were quickly sounded but it was too late, it only took a couple of second for all the jutsu to vanish.

Next place I hit was the armory, boxes of food pills, explosive tags, armor, weapons, ninja wire. All gone faster than people could see.

Next hit was the library. With all the supplies and jutsu gone I hit that place just as hard snatching up shelf after shelf.

all I needed was my ghostly fingers to touch them and I could deposit then inside my internal world.

Nobody saw it coming. After all who would be stupid enough to waltz into a main city under the leadership of Hanzo known to be the demigod of ninja and rob him fucking blind?

Sure there were guards but they couldn't do shit.

As soon as it was all over I booked it right through the roof and fled out of the village.

After all I've got other places to be. I had gotten information on the various other villages just by watching people plan for the war. So I had the information I needed, now I just had to fly to the closest one being the Rock village.

I wanted to avoid the leaf for now and hit everywhere else. Those eye bloodlines in the Leaf made me wary. Not to mention seals they might have, but then again Obito was able to get in a cause havoc with just his Kamui.

But for now, rock village and sorting what I already stole. Maybe I should do that first, but things need to be checked for traps. Don't want scrolls blowing up in my face after all.