31. Thief.

With all the thing I had gotten from the Rain including maps of the continent I was able to get information on most of the villages. Some of them were actually hidden villages. But most of the big ones I had the location too.

It didn't take long to make it to the rock village and start the scouting operation. Currently everything I had stolen was in a pure white internal world i had made so it wouldn't be touched. I needed to make sure everything was safe before letting the girls at it or organizing things.

I know the rinnegan could see chakra however it couldn't see through things so i had to be careful, didn't want a bomb blowing up in my face.

Anyway the rock village was only a little bit harder to rob due to having more people and elite ninjas on guard. However there was still nothing they could do when items from all over the village started to randomly vanish, even the kage building was robbed blind.

After one village was done I would move over to the next I knew about, one at a time.

4 months was what it took for me to rob all the villages blind. Rock, Rain, Snow, Sand, Waterfall, Mist, Cloud, Grass, Even the Leaf, I had managed to get my hands on a Hyuuga who was on patrol and get the Hyuuga bloodline and ghosts couldn't be seen with their eyes.

I had snatched everything I could get my hands on. There was even a bounty for information on whoever had robbed the villages. It was a huge bounty. 500 million Ryo for the capture of the thief.

Why? Because I had snatched all the secrets from even the most safest location in each village.

From the leaf village I had snatched the scroll of secrets or scroll of seals. All the jutsu available from their jutsu libraries, the entire library as I learned I could snatch whole buildings.

Of course when the building vanishes and people are dumped on their asses then alarms go off. But it made my job easier.

I even snatched all the clans storage vaults for their secret jutsu.

From the sand village those dumbasses even had the 1 tails sealed inside of a teapot that I found. The 6 tails was sealed inside of a jar at the mist village. So out of 9 tailed beasts I had gotten 2 of them and a sealing jar from the cloud that could capture 1.

But that wasn't the only thing i had gotten my hands on. Did you know in the scroll of secrets at the mist village there was a scroll that was used to call back all of the 7 swords of the mist. I had the entire collection, and the training scrolls to go with them. I made sure to copy those bitches and the sealing jar for myself with my matrix.

There were indeed a few traps in some of the scrolls but I was able to bypass those easily with my new eyes.

Now then let's go over the loot shall we?

From the Rain village I had mostly gotten my hands on water type jutsu, with quite a few weapon creation manuals for things like water breathing masks, senbon umbrellas, and some poison type jutsu.

From the Rock well, I got plenty of Earth jutsu, Explosion jutsu, Lava Jutsu, Steam Jutsu, and Dust Jutsu, Boil jutsu and some other nasties. Those guys had some good stuff.

From the Sand, I got the 1 tails, Wind Jutsu, Magnet Jutsu for Iron, Gold and Sand, Manuals for puppet creation and control, medical jutsu, and poisons. I even got a couple of Scorch Jutsu. Of course each village had a couple of other elemental jutsu but they were few.

From the Cloud, I got a lot of lightning jutsu, storm jutsu, kenjutsu, and some strange ones that don't fit into a category besides taijutsu. Then there was a jar of sealing which could seal off a tailed beast I would probably use later on, but I can also make copies of it with my matrix. However I don't know if the matrix copy keeps what's inside of it after I get rid of it so I would have to be wary of that.

The snow village of course gave me ice jutsu. wind jutsu and water jutsu, but they also had designs for chakra powered armor. Which i was curious about.

The mist village was also a pretty big haul, they had jutsu for Ice, Lava, Boil, Dead Bone Pulse which I had to nab for myself from the clan compound and even got the bloodline.

Those Kaguya clan members were walking fucking tanks with dead bone pulse.

Anyway I got the 6 tails from thier storage, along with the scroll to summon the 7 swords, various bloodlines, tons of water jutsu scrolls, kenjutsu scrolls, assasination techniques such as silent killing which I was eager to learn.

From the waterfall village I got myself some Hero water which I'm pretty sure kills the person who drinks it, but gives them a boost of power similar to a tailed beast, lots of water and earth techniques and quite a few medical and forbidden techniques. Including Earth Grudge Fear or Jiongu a nasty technique for immortality which involves stealing hearts and filling your body with some kind of noodle like thread.

From the leaf village, I got all the clan vaults for Nara, Yamanaka, Akimichi, Uchiha, Hyuuga, Sarutobi, Senju, Aburame, and Inuzuka. Plus the scroll of seals, all the village jutsu and the library.

However little did I know that I was about to experience a prett big shock when I snatched something I wasn't supposed to snatch.

I may have thought I was being sneaky, however every single move I did was watched by a couple of people who didn't enjoy what I was doing. Especially when I decided to use the sealing jar I had gotten from the cloud on the Ryumyaku from Roran near the sand village.