38. Snatchin yo people up.

"3 out of 9 just won't cut it. However as of now 2 of them are probably in babies being the 1 tail and 7 tails of this world, 3 tails is being monitored by Obito, I already have 1 and 6 so that leaves. 2, 4, 5, and 8." If they are in a child I don't care how much I want the whole collection, I'm not killing off children. The extraction process usually kills the person.

I'll send off the human path to the Rock village, the 4 and 5 tails there are old men and known killers in the last war so I've got no qualms capturing them. Same with the 8 tails. I don't know about the current 2 tails.

But let's see if I can find them all.

Luckily all my paths can use my abilities wuch as the matrix to get capture jars.

My human path sets off flying through the air heading for good old rock country. However I do want to stop off and check at the waterfall for the 7 tails.

I know how most of the carriers of tailed beasts are treated, so I would be a fucking asshole if I just left them to suffer when I could do something about it.

Children no matter what thier burden should always be treasured. It doesnt take long to reach waterfall country and find my target. My eyes can see the massive chakra practically rolling off the mint haired baby everyone is glaring at.

"Yoink." I've never raised a baby before but I'm sure I can handle it.

I quickly put her in the internal world with one of my other bodies to be cared for and continue the journey.

A couple more hours I arrive at rock country and search around but only find one massive chakra in the village.

It's a peace of cake to sneak up behind him and suck him into the jar.

[4 tails can be converted into a summon.]

'Can you do it without killing the host?' I ask curiously.

[Affirmative, healing path can assure that the host stays alive, however remnant chakra from the tailed beast will remain.]

'Perfect do it.'

Inside the internal world a red ape like monster with 4 tails is summoned and shrinks to join its kin.

I dump a red haired man out of my sealing jar and then move on to find the 5 tails.

If I killed him people would probably come for me. I would rather not have that. Still people might come for me for stealing the 4 tails.

It takes a few hours but I find the 5 tails holder on a mountain camping. I snatch him up and extract the 5 tails before dumping his ass and leaving.

During this time the 7 tails has been extracted from baby Fu. I was much gentler this time, no need to harm an innocent child after all.

Next up the cloud village, it's just as easy to sneak around as last time.

This one however is a little bit different, I find the 2 tails, however its inside of what appears to be a 6 year old girl who gives off a rather depressing aura.

With a sigh I suck her into the urn and do the extraction.

However I deposit her into the internal world in a seperate area. Before moving onto the other large chakra signature. A dark skinned teen who was rapping gets quickly ambushed and the 8 tails extracted and converted before being dumped on his ass in confusion.

'Now all that's left is the 3 tails, to check on the 1 tails in this world and then go back home.' it had been a day since I started collecting Biju, however it's better that I know who and where they all are located.

Plus sneaky sealing with a 6 paths jar is effective. Super effective, almost completed my pokemon collection.

The true essence of ninja.

I swing by the sand village and sure enough a tiny red haired baby was giving off an ominous large aura.

I point the gourd at the baby and suck it up.

[2 extra souls found inside of body, 1 tails can be converted to summon.]

"Hmm? Convert the 1 tail, there should be the soul of his mother inside of him so keep that one absorb the other." I request flying off. However I quickly change my direction.

Try and keep me from absorbing the Ryumyaku vein! Fuck right off! I'll get all the good stuff! Hagoromo can eat my ass!

I do a quick drive by thievery of the time vein and store that bitch in my personal jar this time.

I can already feel the eyes on me as I swiftly head for the mist village. Fuck the Akatsuki what can they do?

This time I find my final treasure the 3 tails, in the body of a kid like Hokage. Yoink!

I snatch up the damn turtle and then fuck off back home after spitting out the confused looking brat.

As for the 6 tails of this world. I'm not searching for his ass. He is already a missing ninja and I don't feel like wasting my time.

As for Gaara I left a message that I extracted the 1 tails so I wonder how they will take that. After all he is the child of their kage.

I already have a baby I need to take care of and a new 6 year old I need to talk with.

I also want to summon my personal Gedo statue and see what's going on with that thing.

Is it the same from the show or what?

However I once again find myself in a different area in front of a familiar old man.

With a sigh I start off. "What do you want Hagaromo?"

He looks at me and notices my eyes. "Who are you and why are you collecting the Bijuu?" he asks in a serious voice.

This motherfucker! That's it, I've made up my mind, I'm going to fuck his mom!