39. Old man.

"Afraid I'm going to release your mother? No worries what you should be worried about are the Otsutsuki clan members running around and Hamura descendedents on the moon plotting to destroy the world." I say startling the man.

"How do you know all this?" He asks in shock.

"Not telling, now unless you want to help me fight them in the future, can you not bother me? I won't even touch the 6 tails if you promise to keep your nose out of my business." Not going to tell him that I don't even need to get the 6 tails but whatever.

"And the time vein?" He asks with a frown.

"To prevent people from going back in time and killing me off, or getting different tailed beasts from a new timeline. Think I'll leave my back open like that?" I ask with a frown. "Now if you want to help me you can give me knowledge of some of the moves you know."

Hagaromo frowns for a second. "Are you sure there are more Otsutsuki members coming?"

"Yep they should be here in give or take 20 or so years." I estimate.

"And you intend to fight them?" He asks looking at me seriously.

"As I am now? Hell no. I'm weak and barely know any jutsu. I doubt that little jar copy of yours could seal the Otsutsuki members when you had to use the moon to seal your mother. Those guys are planet destroyers, i can't handle that." i honestly tell him.

His frown deepens before he reaches out and touches my forehead, information is pushed into my mind as a sun and moon mark appear on my hands. My body is filled with power as my eyes nearly roll in my head from information overload.

"I have given you the last of my power and request that you help this planet, I have also bestowed my knowledge of Ninshu. I name you my successor." He says before slowly starting to fade away.

I find myself back at the outskirts of the mist village with a confused look as I examine my hands.

"Well that went in the opposite direction I had anticipated." I pop back into the internal world where I combine back with my other bodies.

A white coat with magatama on it forms around my body, floating behind me are 6 black truth seeking orbs, and a staff of the same material appears in my hands.

Those things are absolutely fucking terrifying. I'm pretty sure these bitches are made from antimatter.

Dismissing those I swap back to my path bodies, each of them has the sun and moon mark on thier hands.

"Well then might at well get the 6 tails and then we can go about training." I of course still need to train, after all 6 paths Madara Uchiha got his cheeks clapped by a man with taijutsu skills only and a fucking plant.

Never be over confident.

Stepping back out of the internal world I head off to find the 6 tails user which I can easily sense and suck him into my sealing jar before tossing his ass out once I've got the last biju of this world.

"Welp my collection is complete so let's put it to good use." Once more back to the internal world.

This time my main body however.

Looking over there are 11 tailed beasts just sitting there like large pets all meek and adorable.

Got me an extra 1 and 6 tails yeah boi.

"Outer Path: Gedo Summoning!" I slap my hands on the ground. There is a puff of smoke as a massive statue appears in front of me.

It is not the original that I knew of.

This one was maybe the size of what I imagined a Gundam to be, it looked like a suit of Knight armor. Currently it was kneeling on the ground a flash of white under the visor and I could see myself.

I had a deep connection to the statue and could feel it and control it.

I move over 9 of the 11 tailed beasts and the visor of the statue open like a mouth before the 1 tails starts to get sucked inside.

I can personally feel my own power increasing as the sand racoon is devoured, next up is the 2 tails, the the 3 tails.

Each one quickly vanishing into the armor and I feel a monstrous power in my body.

Now what's left is my original 1 and 6 tails.

Once the statue is done absorbing I feel it vanish but appear inside of my body ready to be summoned at anytime and acting like my own personal chakra battery producing energy.

Went from 11 super summons to 2 super summons and a mega summon. I'm also a Jinchuriki now. However mine doesn't have any tails, lucky for me.

"Well that was an experience." I just leave the two tailed beasts I have left alone for now.

Now however i have a child to talk with and a baby to take care of. Plus information lodged into my head I need to go over, those moves old Hagoromo had were like fucking nukes, man was a danger to society.

It didn't take me long to find my new internal world guests, Yugito was eating and happily chatting with the various other children. Amber was cooing over Fuu who was giggling happily with the other older women.

Ah yes good deeds.

I walked over and made myself a plate of food and listened in.

"They were always mean to me in the village, I wanted to run away but scary men in masks always brought me back." Yugito says while chewing happily on some steak.

Seems I've got myself another adopted child into the group. What am I up to now? 10 people? Over half being children. Just going to need to open up my own orphanage and adopt everyone.

Anyway the recruiting of Yugito went well, all I had to do was ask. As for Fuu, even simpler I was just going to end up taking care of her anyway.

However outside the internal world quite a few people were panicking, all the Kage, Obito and Zetsu.

There was going to be an emergency Kage meeting held