40. Settling in.

Now that I had done what I wanted to and gotten more than I had anticipated. It was time for me to settle in and start studying and teaching my partners.

Just because I had the knowledge of Hagaromo didn't mean it was the end of it. There had been over a thousand years of improvements and adjustments to chakra since his time. His mother didn't even know how to use elemental chakra and basically just threw around powerful attacks.

Still I wasn't going to touch that with a ten foot pole anytime soon. Even the old man had to fight her for a month just to seal her, she is basically unkillable and can easily destroy planets and dimensions, not to mention has instantly kill abilities.

The old man wasn't even alone in the fight, he had his brother to assist. I'm nowhere near that power level or skill level. I'd walk up, talk shit and get instant KO'ed.

No the best thing to do was study and mind my own business while training my base skills. Hell my Sharingan only had 1 tomoe! It wasn't even a fully evolved Sharingan yet.

I also needed to study the moves of the old man, just because he gave me the knowledge doesn't mean I'm a master of the skills.

"Nagato come here for a moment please." I call the little red head over.

"Yes master?" She asks meekly

"I'm going to try to heal you really fast just relax." I smile before patting her head and using my healing ability.

"Ah! That feels nice and warm."

I inject my chakra into her body and see some slight problems with the eyes. Which I instinctively try to fix and alter a bit. I also find a seal on her heart which I quickly destroy.

Probably from her worlds Madara.

The eyes brighten up a bit and the chakra drain vanishes, as they adapt properly to her body.

She suddenly stiffens up before relaxing. "Master, there was some information in my head just now. I know how to use my eyes." She says before a black rod slides out of her hand and she hold it up to me.

"That's good, just remember you aren't allowed to use them on your friends or teachers or you could hurt them." I would rather her not suck the souls out of her friends and kill them.

"I know master I promise I won't!" She says quickly.

"Good, do you feel better now?" I ask double checking her body.

"Yes! I don't feel tired anymore!"

"That's great." I pat her head and send her off to play before calling over Kimimaro and helping her heal from the deficiencies in her body. I don't know how I'm doing it but I'm doing it instinctively.

Someone like Tsunade would kill for these abilities.

A once over for everyone to make sure they are all good to go and then I settle back into my business.

I would love to get my hands on some proper teachers or be able to send them to the academy to learn the basics. I would like to learn the basics myself after all, it's hard to teach someone something you yourself haven't learned.

Shurikenjutsu? No fucking idea how it's done, those ninja do some magical shit with throwing weapons. Sure most of the time it's just showy, but still it's a good skill to have.

However I have pretty much no trust for the people in the leaf. But I guess that's also my fault for robbing them blind, spilling all thier secrets and looking suspicious.

Well they don't need to be handling sharp weapons at this second anyway. Should focus on thier martial arts, chakra control, and then move on after the basics are done. And I learn what comes after the basics.

"Master, we need more milk for Fuu. She's out." Amber says.

"Ah alright I'll go get some." I say before grabbing some cash I had and popping out of the internal world, right into the center of the leaf and heading to the convenience store.

I pick up some fresh milk, and look over the various magazines on display. I always found the technology of this world to be odd as it was just missing certain parts.

"Ooh the new Icha Icha just came out." I grab the new volume and set that on the counter. Gotta keep Stella from snatching this one, little perverted ghost.

I grab myself some taffy as well and pay for all my supplies before heading back outside only to see various Anbu and Minato looking at me as I chew on my watermelon taffy.

"What?" I ask the man. "Can't a guy do some shopping in peace. I just came out for milk i have a baby to take care of after all."

"Ah i understand." Minato says with a nod of his head. "Still I would like to ask if you would be willing to talk?"

I shrug. "Give me a minute to drop off my milk and then I'll be back." I say before vanishing back to the house and handing over the gallon of milk to Amber. "Sorry I have to go and speak to the Hokage and see what the hell he wants."

I appear back near the grocery store. "Alright lead the way."

Right now I'm in my adult body since I can swap between the two.

Minato waves off the Anbu gaurds before we start heading towards the Hokage tower.

"You know I just recieved a call to go to a Kage summit, you wouldn't know anything about that would you? Something about missing Biju?" He says with a frown.

"Hmm, no idea. Anyway how is the repair of the village going along?" I ask changing the subject.

Minato just sighs. "It is going well thank you. Your supplies have helped immensely."

"That's good. I take it you haven't gotten your hands on the various traitors who fled yet either?" I ask.

"No, however the disciple of orochimaru showed up here a day ago. Right now we are deciding what to do with her." Minato says.

"Ah Anko is it? If you guys don't want her then I'll take her. She'll probably get treated like shit here anyway." I tell the man. One more mouth to feed isn't really a problem.

"Probably. The curse mark on her arm is a problem so is the snake summoning contract, most of the council just wants to kill her." Minato frowns. "I probably shouldn't be telling you any of this."

"Doesn't matter, I already know." like I wouldn't keep an eye out in this village for promising recruits.