43. Chaos.

The entire Kage meeting went to hell instantly. Obito lost his fucking marbles, Minato was shocked Obito was alive, Yagura was pissed the man who was controlling him appeared, Onoki was old, A was alread wanting to fight someone, Raza was just watching the situation unfold. Zetsu was panicked and quickly forming new plans as he had also heard everything.

"Well, I've got some stuff to do so you all can handle this on your own. Also Obito might want to tell Konan and Nagato that Zetsu also plotted for the murder of Yahiko, I wonder how that will turn out?" The voice says.

"Come out and fight me coward!" Obito screams.

"Sorry no can do, I'm a very cowardly and weak man. How could I stand up to the might of an Uchiha? I may be the inheritor of Hagaromo the sage of six paths, but even I cower in fear in front of your might. The might of your stupidity that is. I was told to never fight with idiots as they drag you down to thier level and beat you with experience so. Have fun, cause a war or whatever, revive Madara, blow up the planet, doesn't concern me I have my own dimension like your little Kamui and don't belong to any village or have anyone in this world I really know so....peace bitches! Oh by the way Zetsu if you are listening more Otsutsuki members are coming so have fun with that." With that the voice vanished leaving Obito shouting at nothing but air.

Zetsu who was indeed listening was shitting bricks at this point. "More Otsutsuki members are coming?!" He quickly scurried off to do whatever it is that plant people do.

Meanwhile our Hero the lord of chaos himself was already working on something new.

In front of him was the familiar world travel screen and on it were a few familiar words. What they said nobody knows, for the next couple of minutes before he selected enter and vanished.

Another flash of light and he arrived in a rather futuristic looking city, in front of him was a rather odd scene.

A red skinned man with multiple eyes and 4 arms was mid punch at what looked like an old mans head in a jar attached to a gorillaz body.

"Am I interrupting?" I ask.

"Huh? Oh! Give me a second." The 4 armed alien said before delivering a knuckle sandwhich to the gorilla human hybrid and knocking his head clean off.

He picks up the glass jar containing the head and wipes his other hands on his pants.

"Curse you Ben 10'000 I'll have my revenge!" The head shouts.

"Quiet you, we have guests." Ben says slapping the jar making it rattle. "Hello there, might I ask who you are?"

I make my way forward and hold out my hand for a shake. "Ryan Grim, multiverse traveler. I was actually looking for a planet containing some half decent artificial intelligence."

Ben grabs the hand presented to him and gives a firm shake.


[Ultimatrix found, 10,973 different alien DNA strands acquired.]

"Ben 10'000 nice to meet you." Ben says with a grin. Not knowing that over 10,000 alien forms had just been copied from him simply so Ryan could upgrade his computer to have artificial intelligence so he personally didn't have to work on upgrading various jutsu and optimizing them.

Work smarter not harder my guys.

"Do you need to handle that?" I ask pointing towards the doctors head who looked sick from the shaking.

"Ah yeah, if you wouldn't mind following me please." Ben says.

"Sure." I'm rather curious about this place anyway. I can even see hover cars. Maybe I can get myself a sweet hoverboard.

We head towards a large building before heading up and elevator. There was a nice looking lounge area. "If you could take a seat I'll be right with you." Ben says.


"Theres some soda on the fridge feel free to help yourself." Ben says before heading to the elevator and pressing a button.

Oooh soda.

I grab a nice cold coke from the fridge and sit down and relax.

About 15 minutes later a brown haired man maybe 25 or so stepped off the elevator, this was Ben in his normal human form.

"So a multiverse traveler, I've met a couple of those in my time. You mentioned you were looking for artificial intelligence, may I ask why?" Ben questions, as it wouldnt be his first time he had accidentally given out tech to a villain and had learned his lesson.

"Organizing and optimizing various books and knowledge from martial arts, magic abilities, medical knowledge, that kind of stuff. I have a large library of techniques that come from different sources and it would take me hundreds or thousands of hours to read over each of them that's not including how much time it would be to improve everything." I explain and open up a portal showing literally hundreds of bookshelves with various scrolls and books on them.

"I see and what do you intend to do with all these things?" Ben asks.

"I have various children with unique constitutions that I've adopted, such as one who fires bones from her skin. Her clan was annihilated during a bloodline war I was able to scavenge some manuals for her to inherited but her body easily develops sicknesses from firing off bones. So I planned to not only improve my medical lab but also study up on her bloodline to make sure that I'm treating it correctly." I tell the man opening up a portal to my lab and stepping through.

"Is that an arm with eyes in it?" Ben asks looking at one of the tubes.

"Yeah, an evil man by the name of Danzo was exploiting one of the clans I talked about. The eyes of the clan have special abilities, one is being able to revive oneself if they died at the cost of an eye. So he was implanting them into his arm so he could theoretically become immortal." I explain before bringing up some of the information on various clans on my computer.

Ben gives it a couple looks and nods.

"I see well I think I can give you a hand, come with me." He says as we exit my lab back into his office.