44. Upgrades.

"So what all are you looking for exactly?" Ben questions as we move towards a large warehouse filled with technology.

"Books would be fine, but scanners, computers, a nice AI I can designate tasks to, maybe something useful for teaching, like a hologram or something. Watches to monitor health and location, currently I've adopted quite a few children so I plan to make sure they are all educated. However it's rather hard for someone who hasn't raised children before. In the world I'm from most of them would be captured for experiments or bred for their bloodlines." I explain as Ben grimaces. "Anyway if you could add some books or something about things like basic math, sciences, etc. or just put the files for them on like a hard drive I could use that would be fine. If need be I can study up and try to make or improve things myself."

Ben nods. "I'll see what I can do hold on." He presses a button on his chest and turns into a green and black alien I recognize from ben 10, Upgrade.

His body stretches out and starts pulling various gadgets and electronics into his body. "I've got tons of medical equipment I've snatched from Dr.Animo over the years, should be pretty useful to you." Ben says as his body grabs various other items that meld into him.

He starts spitting out all kinds of items, from computers and monitors to large pods and other items.

"Need me to install these?" He asks about 30 minutes later when there is a literal mountain of gear in front of me.

"Sure, you can meet the children to if you like. I can also show you around my personal dimension." I offer not really bothered, I mean I'm not hiding anything really.

I open up a portal to the lab and he starts dragging things in and fusing items into the old lab.

Upgrade is incredibly useful. However if you don't have the items to provide materials then when he transforms back everything reverts to it's normal form. So he could upgrade a computer to a super computer however if it didn't have the parts needed physically, then once he changed it goes back to a normal computer. You can't build things without materials after all.

After about 20 more minutes the lab has been fully upgraded. "Alright everything should be good, I downloaded quite a few things off the internet for you such as school programs and some other books. Once you run the start up system you can configure the AI however you want."

"Much appreciated, this makes my life 100 times more easy. Now how about we go and meet the children and my partners." I tell the man who nods.

The kids in question are all playing outside with Rook watching over them.

I introduce Ben who gets along well with children showing off some of his aliens and making them laugh. Well that's what a Hero does I supppose.

After an hour or two I invite him to dinner and we all have a friendly chat.

Ben can usually pick up on people giving off bad or evil vibes, call it a hero sense, however he doesn't feel anything wrong here. Just like a big family of odd people with special skills. He had seen the girls demonstrate some of their abilities such as Kimimaro pulling out bones from her body, or Nagato making chakra spikes.

After dinner I made sure to drop him off at home. "Say you wouldn't have a spare hoverboard would you. I've always wanted one of those things."

Ben just laughs, "Sure man, I know how you feel those things are fun to play with." So after getting my sweet new hoverboard and a crash course on how to use it I head back home. Got some work of my own to do.

"Combine Gray Matter and Upgrade please." I request the matrix.

One of them is a super genius and the other is a machine lovers wet dream for technology.

My body shifts into the new upgrade and I quickly make my way into the electronics and examine everything. I instinctively know how it all works and what it all does. So I'm not surprised when I find a couple of monitoring devices and locators that shouldn't belong.

I grab those out before destroying them. Ben seems to have picked up a couple of tricks. However I would rather not be monitored no matter how much it's impossible due to being in my internal world.

Just a precaution after all.

Once I'm done double checking everything I shift back to my normal body.

What's odd is that I pretty much forget most of what I had learned inside the computer. Like i was a super genius who knew everything for a few minutes and then just derped out and forgot it all.

Guess it's a way of protecting the mind.

Anyway I only came to ben for those 2 specific aliens. They will be incredibly useful in the future. I'm smart but I'm not that smart.

So getting a genius alien with almost super computing skills and intelligence is great, one who can mold itself into technology even better. One that can do both? Yeah boi.

Going to be doing quite a few upgrades on the base and some of the equipment I have, things like the training dummies could be upgraded to work as sparring partners or teachers for certain skills if I upload them with certain AI capabilities and information.

I could even probably upgrade the entire base if I had enough materials, I'll need to get my hands on some junk I could use. Maybe some books to read, i may be a genius in my alien form but I'll still need to get the basic knowledge from somewhere. I only have certain tech knowledge due to Upgrade having it imprinted on its DNA.

I would still need to read books for other things like how to become a doctor or how to do blacksmithing.