49. Food drive.

Scanning around the area once more I still have no intention of heading toward Glory City.

Of I recall there is a mountain village with purple smoke stones that can increase cultivation.

I quickly find it and head towards that direction.

I float above the city and various people are looking at me in Awe. I cross my legs and just sit there before taking out my communicator and opening a portal.

"Amelia could you have the drones collect purple smoke stones and various herbs, be careful of the people and various demonic beasts." I request.

"Yes master, one moment." Another set of drones I made for looting items flies out in a horde before traveling around the outside of the village and snatching up various purple rocks that are smoking slightly.

"I created a new dungeon floor if you could have them drop one of each item into the dungeon core so production can start that would be lovely." I planned to make my own source of resources. I could also deposit in demonic spirits which could be used for dungeon monsters to fight later on for more resources. Demonic spirit beasts are needed for thier blood and spirits, the blood could be used for enchanting items or arrays, the spirits could be used to to increase cultivation or demonic spirit beast transformations, or probably some other uses I haven't discovered yet.

So having a healthy supply of resources was always a good start, that way I wouldnt need to scour the world to search for shit.

An older man approaches below me and bows. "Might I know why this esteemed one has come to our humbly village?" He asks respectfully as only demon spiritualists are known to fly and even then only after legend rank. They don't have any legend rank or demon spiritualists in this village, so if this stranger attack then they would be slaughtered like cattle.

"No worries, I'm here to collect various plant and stone samples for alchemy study. However if you have demonic spirits I'm willing to trade food for them, that or various books you might have." In the story Nie Li had to flee glory city so he never got to read all the books in the academy library or the alchemist association before the city was destroyed. I plan to scan all those books for their knowledge.

The village elder was shocked and then pleased, they lived on a mountainous area which wasn't good for growing crops and they had only fighters no demon spiritualists so they could only brave the surrounding forests to kill demonic beasts for food. The spirits they got were useless.

"Also a quick warning if any of your people cause problems I'll simple erase them from existence." I could do this with a truth seeker ball easily.

The various villagers who heard this started sweating lightly.

"I'll make sure they behave sir! Allow me to inform the villagers of the trades." Then man said.

"Have them bring crates or bags for food, I don't have anything for them to carry it back to their homes with." I add. No need for me to steal from people when I can just trade them food I had an abundance of.

The villagers quickly scurried off home to retrieve items while I poured out various fruits and vegetables into a large pile.

I had way more food than me or my little family could eat.

Soon villagers came back holding all sorts of items.

"Place your items in a pile then just grab whatever you can carry." I instruct as they start piling up all sorts of goods. Seeing the mountain of food various other villagers hurry to gather items.

Of course some people tried to get so called tax from me or had killing intent towards me for my goods. Those people vanished out of sight once nobody was looking.

I consider this a good deed after all.

The drones carried in the items to the portal doing a sweep to drop off demonic beast cores into the dungeon core, if the dungeon already had the core of a certain beast then they would put them in the treasure room.

Books were scanned and then stored, along with various other items or treasures the people had but couldn't use.

"Might I ask if this esteemed one has meat?" The elder requests.

"Do you have a weapon on hand?" I question and he nods pulling out a sword.

I drop a living tusked boar from a portal and he quickly kills it. "Keep the items coming and I'll drop more boars and none of this 1 item at a time crap, I'm watching you guys." I point towards a couple villagers trying to scam me. "I'll ban you from the trade if you try to pull that crap. The food isnt going anywhere I'll stay here for a while so make sure you bring more items I'll buy them all with food."

Meanwhile my drones were slowly spreading out getting all sorts of useful items and bringing them back for transplanting.

It's so nice having my own minions available for work. I can just be lazy and float around doing whatever while they work for me. So much more efficient that way.

The next couple of days it seems the villagers cleaned out the stockpiled junk from thier houses and brought it to me. I didn't care if the items were trash, they would be scanned and sorted before being put into a different vault for later, I didn't want to accidentally throw out a treasure so I would wait for the books to be scanned and items identified.

If it was junk then I could just throw it into a volcano or something idk.

I'm a treasure collector not a hoarder of crap.

Once I was sure the village had been looted I quickly head off to some other ruins and areas I had scouted out from a distance.

My dungeons would need time to start the spawning and growth of items and Amelia would need time for things to be scanned, optimized and identified. After all there were various new languages she had to decipher and well.