50. Glory City.

(Well for something I've pumped out in less than a week this is going incredibly well. Anyway hope you all are enjoying the novel, anyone feels like providing for the slushy funds. (Which I havent hadn't in a couple months.) My cash app is $Ryantheholy. Feel free to drop a dollar for the snack time funds or something. Anyway Enjoy.)

I didn't have anything but time I my hands, I was 3 years before the official story start and didnt have anything to do besides attend the ninja classes and do my daily exercises.

So the various ruin around this world containing treasures were rapidly being looted by me. Having eyes that could see through pretty much everything and the ability to become intangible of move the very earth with a flip of a hand meant I was an incredibly efficient explorer. I had even gotten my hands on the Nightmare Demon Pot ahead of time from what was apparently the Dark Ruins.

It was a useful little tool that I bound to myself with the matrix. It could basically absorb demonic spirits and combine them into better ones, if they were destroyed in combining then the pot devoured the energy. It had stockpiled quite a bit of energy already which I wasnt going to use. But still was nice to have, I had spare demonic spirits I could just toss into the pot but that would have to wait a while.

I had made my way around various human villages and either traded for items or books, if that didn't work then I discretely just scanned everything. I still get what I want but they just don't get anything in return.

If it was a useful item it might just accidentally fall into a portal. No idea how that got there. It's not stealing if it falls into a different dimension and I just so happen to find it.

The law of finders keepers is universal after all.

It was a little over a month since I had started this little goal of information collecting which just kept growing.

Most of the books had been scanned in the temporal demon spirit book. Amelia was hard at work optimizing things, after all she is much smarter than the fuckwit Nie Li, what he took hundreds of years or whatever to do she was doing in hours.

Now it was time for me to head to glory city, which was the current biggest place I had found in this world. The rest were small scattered villages.

I easily set down in the city and asked for directions to the alchemist association. They had a large library of books most of which they couldn't read and it was open to the public for personal reading.

So, like any cheap bastard, I went and started scanning. Of course my strange clothes and eyes attracted the attention of many people. Not as much as the drones though when they started working.

But still nobody approached me, which was nice. After all I was just reading and scanning books, they didn't know what I was doing though.

"Master, some of these recipes could be improved with plants from the other worlds. The basis of this worlds cultivation is the spirit or soul. The soul flower and fruits you have would probably be treasures in this world." Amelia says through the communicator. "Elemental affinity is also a good source of power, combining the berries and soul fruits into combinations with various herbs from this world show a 73% increase in elixirs and pills used for cultivation of the spirit. Would you like me to start running more tests?" Amelia asks.

"Sure, that's a huge increase, I didn't think the soul fruits were that overpowered good thing I've got a huge stock of those." I smile happily.

"Most plants in this world seem to focus on the soul for improvement. There are a few that help with body strength increase. It seems however the energy here is more directed towards soul energy and the plants and animals have just adapted to it like that." Amelia explains.

The scanning continues and Amelia sends me a list of useful herbs to search for that I haven't yet acquired. If the leaders of the alchemy association or city knew I could read all these books when they couldn't and the gains I was getting from it such as recipes and more. They would either shit bricks or fall to thier knees and beg me to teach them.

They were sitting on treasures and didn't even have the ability to use them. Like giving a starving beggar a gold bowl. He can't eat it so it's useless to him, unless he knows its value.

The more books that were scanned the more complete the guide on plants for this area became and the more refined the medicines would be. Jumping from 73% increase to 87% increase in only half an hours time and still rising.

Good old computers making my life so much easier. Get fucked Nie Li, your hundred years of knowledge are shit in front of the mighty Amelia.

"Ehehe." It wasn't just alchemy recipes either, there were things mixed in that other had no idea about since theh couldn't read it, various arrays, cultivation chants, enchanting instructions, all sorts of secrets.

After a few hours I had scanned the whole library.

There was knowledge even Nie Li didn't probably have because the city was destroyed in the Demonic Spirit beast tide.

Whistling happily I head for the Glory City Academy after getting directions and head right inside to the library before I start scanning those books too. The library assistant just looks at me oddly and my drone before watching curiously.

Luckily my drones are quiet.

They easily go through shelf by shelf. Of course I'll have all the updated information printed out and the useless dribble put somewhere else.

I don't care about the history of the world and useless junk, I certainly don't want it in my library taking up space.