58. Sales.

"You expect us to believe that you have better medicine than the entire alchemy association?" Ye Zong asks.

I had provided information on how much better my medicines were then the current ones available in the city.

"Stupid question 6. I don't expect shit, buy it and follow my rules or don't. I really don't care." I tell the man with a shrug.

He just grits his teeth but can't do anything.

He pulls out a bottle of pills from his ring that I recognize as the classic spirit gathering pills from the city.

"Alright, let's test it, your pills against mine. Give me the contract." I pull out a scroll which stated the conditions. The medicine must be taken here, you must not be a member of the sacred family or the dark guild. or have ever been a member and you must not be working for them.

He signs it and it flashes before ordering the same pill but better looking from my shop.

Of course I've used some sealing techniques to prevent then from being reproduced by anyone who does manage to get them from me, even then they couldn't because I have all the required ingredients to do it. They don't even exist in this world as far as i know.

He pays before swallowing in if his pills and sitting down.

15 minutes later he swallows the one I made.

Over 1000% better my guy and he knows it judging from the look of defeat on his face 5 minutes later.

He grabs the tablet again before picking a different item and paying a hefty sum.

I give him a simple black pill he examines before swallowing it.

The next second his eyes widen in shock.

"I broke through to legend rank?" He says in shock.

"Stupid question 7. Of course dumb ass you think my medicines are just for show?" I sneer at the man.

Legend rank is the highest rank currently that you can cultivate to with the medicines I have on hand. None of them have heavenly energy inside so that's the best I can do, the rest depends on absorbing heavenly energy from the air or understanding heavenly laws.

Ye Zong is horrified, this person can basically create legend rank experts with medicine.

To become an aristocrat in the city you just need 5 black gold rank experts, no need to mention a legend rank. There was only one, Ye Mo.

This would flip the whole power scaling of the city when news got out. That is if people can afford it and are willing to sign the contract.

"Are you done? If so please stop blocking the other customers." I say calmly as everyone looks around the open field with nobody else in sight.

"What other customers...?" Ye Zong says before sighing.

"Stupid question 8. The ones in the city of course how are they supposed to see the shop with your overinflated sense of importance blocking it?" I grin at the man.

"Do you know who I am?" Ye Zong finally loses his patience and shouts.

"Stupid question 9. Soon to be a poor man if you keep asking stupid questions. This is my land, your not the city lord of it, I don't even belong to your city. So either buy something or fuck off." I tell him before a bunch of tentacles come out from the building. "Or you can be stripped and thrown back to the city for causing trouble."

"This is glory city and I'm the city lord..." he starts.

"That is glory city, these are the wilds. You don't own the planet stupid." I wave my hand and hes yanked up by his ankle stripped naked and tossed towards the city walls like a rock. "Anyone else wanna cause problem?" I ask the group of black gold guards who raise their hands in surrender.

"Good now buy something or fuck off." I point towards the tablet then the tentacle.

They quickly rush after the city lord to make sure he is okay.

Meanwhile Nie Li is chuckling. But Xiao Ning'er is shocked by the whole situation.

"You called off the engagement between me and the sacred family?" She asks.

"Of course, your one of my people now. Nobody can tell you what to do." I grin before getting a bone crushing hug from the girl.

"Thank you!" She sobs out.

"Ah..no problem. Now let me show you guys the rest of the shop." I pat her back.

"Aww don't I get a hug too boss?" Nie Li says with a grin holding open his arms.

I narrow my eyes at him. "Well then since you seem so interested in me then I might as well pursue Ye Ziyun in a romantic way." I grin as he freezes.

"No, I was just joking please don't." He says quickly bowing.

I just snort before leading them into the house ignoring the narrowed eyes of Ning'er.

"She's not my type, my type is more hard working and loyal. I doubt she would fit into my harem plan after all." I tell the boy.

"What?! How dare you! My Ziyun is perfect in all ways!" Nie Li shouts.

"Harem plan?" Ning'er asks with a scary voice.

"Yep, besides haven't you seen the nobles in the village with harems of women? It's not uncommon. Besides I already have 3 partners one of them is even a ghost." No need to lie or deceive the poor girl.

A range of emotions flash across the face of the girl but I ignore that. If they aren't accepting of the harem or can get along with the others than oh well, their loss. Doesn't mean I lose out on helping people all the same.

Can always make friends after all, no need to pursue everyone romantically that I come across. So if it happens then it happens, if it doesn't then oh well. I'll just go back home and cry in the loving embrace of the beautiful females I already have hehehe.