65. Customers.

Finally some smart people seemed to arrive. The alchemists went back to the association and came back the next day requesting to buy in bulk but were shot down. They didn't care at all, they instead decided to sign contracts and follow my rules and started buying medicine, cultivation chants they couldn't spread, spirit beasts of god rank. Of course after asking questions.

They were wise enough to use my resources without any complaint and saw monstrous results when they started shooting up ranks on the daily almost.

They were just blowing through money. Might is right in this world after all and they saw the results first hand and didnt give two fucks about the city lords ban, the city lord himself couldn't afford to offend the alchemist association as they made the medicines for the city.

Of course a couple of them might have died trying to break the contract but that was on them, they knew the results.

The alchemy association was one of if not the richest association in the city, they could blow hundreds of millions with ease.

The feeling of actually increasing in power at a noticeable rate was indeed intoxiciating to them. It was kind of like going to the gym and doing 5 push-ups and then seeing you've gained muscle. They could check their spirit force after each cultivation session in the room and see a noticable improvement. Once they swapped out the trash spirits they had thier combat power rise dramatically as each spirit was pretty much tailor made for them.

Having a god spirit meant it was loads stronger than a normal spirit, was easy to shift into, required less soul force to nurture, and had powerful attacks.

If you had a bad spirit beast match up you could pump 10x the spirit force into it and it still wouldn't rank up like trying to feed a house plant dog food it just doesn't work.

Once they saw the results they brought more of thier people here to get upgrades, quickly rising to one of the more powerful forces in the city.

Nie Li made some cash on the side tutoring them with alchemy so he could send money home to his family and invite them to visit the shop.

I didn't mind this as he mostly just gave general tips, he didn't offer recipes, because mine were cheaper and more effective than what everyone else could make.

I also used them to make some side cash, I had lots of junk from various ruins I didnt need, like gold and black gold rank weapons, different arrays I had picked up, some other crap I had no need for that I had them sell at the auction house for cash. No need to put junk in my shop when idiots will buy it in bulk from the auction. Plus I only had a few customers and wanted to get rid of it before they realized I had better items for sale.

Made a fortune. Quite a bit was spent on valuable items I could sell in other worlds, Gold, Silver, Platinum, Rubies, Diamonds, Sapphires, Jades. Universally expensive things.

This would save me some effort in the future when I didn't or couldn't go around stealing things for money. Places that I had no idea where goods were or were guarded by things I didn't want to mess with.

Of course I had the genius idea to sell some of the more crappy medicines in bulk so I could make a fast profit, even if the dark guild got them, so what? They were just slightly better than what the city had. Maybe 50% better, but the ones I sold were in the 1000%s better.

Of course I also started to buy demon spirits in bulk. They had their uses. If I decide to head to the higher realms then even there God rank spirit beasts are worth a fortune, the only thing more valuable is dragon type god ranked spirit beasts as they were a level above normal spirit beasts.

Always good to think ahead after all.

Of course Nie Li was happy I was helping to strenghten the city. He didn't care I was making money as I was putting that money into other items and basically reinvesting in the city. Demon spirit coins outside of this place were pretty much useless to me. Like bringing dollars to planet vegeta or something.

Still quite a few of the sacred family members just seemed to up and vanish mysteriously. Had nothing to do with a certain shadow devil that I had been feeding pills and such the past three years. Most certainly not. A large group of dead Dark Guild members also didn't show up sliced to pieces in one of thier prized restuarants. Oh no sir. And the ones who tried to flee the city in the dark didn't die of mysterious causes outside of the city. I also had perfect alibi's during this time so you cant prove nothin coppah!

The innocents who knew nothing were of course left alone. No need for children or the clueless to be caught in the crossfire.

Of course this would probably have some butter fly effects but I doubt it was anything I couldn't handle.

Even if they sent that million strong spirit beast tide, I would just unleash the 1 tails and 6 tails I had spare and see how they faired against a tide of monsters. Strongest I think they had in the series was black gold so. Good luck.

Any kind of sneak attack I could see coming from literally miles away and just fire a truth seeking orb at them, try and survive that with some little life saving treasure.

But surprisingly nothing happened. So all was good. For now atleast and I could make money quietly while cultivating my spirit force.

Eventually however the people in the city got wise to my shop. After all firing cannons into the city with advertisements tends to draw attention.