66. Quick improvement.

"So what's your plans?" Nie Li asked one day as the shop was about to be opened.

Ning'er also seemed to turn to me to listen.

"Plans huh? Well I plan to get to legend rank then head to the prison realm and see what they have there. I'm sure there are some books, weapons and other items that I could use. After that I plan to leave for a while and go train." I tell him as Ning'er stiffened up.

"You are leaving?" She asks with a frown.

"Well yes, I have already collected pretty much everything I could from the city, surrounding villages and ruins. I plan to head to a different world and enroll in an academy. I'll probably be there for a couple hundred years honestly but this place will probably not even notice a second passing by." I tell them.

My plans were to head towards soul society a hundred or so years before the events truly started. Enroll in the soul reaper academy, then learn what they have to offer. My skills were a bit lacking for the things I wanted to do, I mean I've got what maybe 4 years of training if that under my belt? Even the girls were catching up to me.

Even with Amelia helping to simplify things I still needed to put in some good old hard work. I have memories of a tier 9 alchemist I want to absorb and practice properly. I want to learn more martial arts. Control my chakra properly, learn how to use weapons as my skills are kinda shit and the only reason I'm slightly good is because of my eyes copying others.

If asked if I could beat Kaguya Otsutsuki, I would more than like say no. Madara Uchiha? I put him at a threat higher than Kaguya simply from his skills. I've mostly just Bruce forced my way through things with my ghost body or pure chakra power. Going to the bleach world I would probably get my ass handed to me by all the captains with just pure soul pressure.

"However you are more than welcome to accompany me..."

"Yes!" Ning'er says quickly. "I'll go with you."

I didn't even get to finish my sentence. I had planned to bring some of my people along and slow down the time in the internal world so they wouldn't notice. I had already discussed it with the older girls, Stella wanted to join because I was heading to a soul based world. Ning'er would also probably benefit so I was happy to include her, the other wanted to go to different worlds with me.

"Hey what about me?" Nie Li asks.

"Absolutely not." I laugh this idiot would probably screw everything up. "However i can leave you a couple things and let time pass so you can take care of some business, we can meet at the divine feathers sect when you become sect leader and exchange notes how about that?"

He considers it for a second before nodding. "Sure, could you leave me the nightmare demon pot though?" He asks greedily.

Luckily i was able to make a new one with my gray matter body and some assistance from Amelia.

"Sure but in exchange I would like for you to gather up various books and plant seeds for me, also a couple of diety roots." This way I would have less work to do when I arrived.

"Sure no problem." He says patting his chest.

"Also I would advise you not to screw around and instant kill Ye Han and the Demon Lord." I tell him with a serious look.

He also gets a serious look on his face. "Alright you got it."

"Good now it should only take me a couple of days to reach legend rank, I just gotta make it to black gold then boost it with a black smoke pill." I had been at gold rank for a while and was a few days away from reaching black gold. I had been slacking a bit due to selling things all day and part of the night. Some people could only sneak out of the city at night to buy my goods since the city lord had a ban still.

Ning'er off to the side was excited, she was worried she was going to be left behind and forgotten. She had been diligently cultivating so she hadn't really gotten to express her feeling but that will change soon.

The next couple of days passed by quickly and I had finally hit black gold rank, I had Nie Li and Amelia run the shop while I cultivated.

Taking out the black pill I popped it into my mouth and instantly felt a burst of soul force in my body, all I this was directed to myself.

Black gold rank 2, 3, 5, 7, 9 before crack right into legend rank. Skipping a whole realm with some powerful medicine.

I didn't really feel much of a change though.

But then again I don't really have much use for my soul force since they mostly relied on demonic beasts in this universe to attack.

Soul force was generally used to just make arrays, or crafting, or alchemy. This methods here were all pretty primitive though.

Anyway the only reason I really came to this world was to recruit Ning'er and snatch useful items so my mission here was almost complete.

"Well then I guess it's time to grab the rest of the items I want and then we can leave this world for now." In a flash of speed I appear in the city in front of the large sealing array before easily slipping through.

Placing a couple light orbs in position my body vanishes before my eyes scan the area and find the nearest village.

Let the trading begin and then Nie Li can handle the rest. After all I'm really only here for those throwing knives and a blood crystal.

I quickly zip off after finding the shop that has the items I'm looking for.