68. Soul Society.

After Dugu Bo brought his maybe 5 year old granddaughter I quickly healed her. After all I could have just stolen this whole place but the man in question was just trying to find a cure for his granddaughter and I wasn't going to cause any accidents and harm a child by stealing from him.

After that was over I left with Dugu Bo promising me a favor in the future. I just requested for him to gather up various seeds and books on plants which he happily agreed to, I told him I would collect them in a few years.

I took Ning'er to the internal world where she looked around curiously. Right now we were in my lab. Stella was also there waiting.

"Ah darling~ is this the new girl?" She asked giving me a quick kiss before eyeing Ning'er. The red Sharingan making the girl rather nervous.

"Yes, Stella meet Ning'er, Ning'er meet Stella. Before we move onto the next world I'm going to swap your eyes to ones like hers, they allow for quick memorizing of combat techniques and chakra, they don't really work for soul related skills unless handsigns are involved and chakra." I explain before going over the process with her which would only take her an hour due to the medicine knocking her out.

This gave me plenty of time to set up our identity in the bleach world, I had to be very careful and make sure there wasn't any gaps in our identity for the soul king or ywach to question as those guys had future sight and divinity.

I was going as a reclusive noble clan from soul society with odd eyes, The Grim clan, and I would be the patriarch, Ning'er and Stella would be my wives and we would be attending the soul reaper academy as nobles.

I was easily able to adjust things like this. We also would be going 100 years before Aizen attacks the other captains turning them into Vizards. Which would be something like 400 years before the main story start. i figured this would give us ample time to increase our skills.

I made adjustments to to body of all us to become soul reapers. Just so things weren't suspicious.

I plan to use this time incredibly wisely, i know that most of the soul reapers end up stagnant from just not having much to do. I personally have quite a lot I need to do, master chakra, master alchemy, master martial arts, master weapons, blacksmithing, healing, soul arts. I had a lot of plans.

Once Ning'er woke up I adjusted the internal world then grabbed Stella and Ning'er before activating the travel system.

There was a change in our bodies before we arrived in what seemed to be an old school japanese style mansion.

In front of us were some letters showing acceptance into the soul reaper academy.

"Well this is going to be our new home for quite a while. We can change into proper clothes and then tomorrow we start the academy." I tell the duo, I had given them a proper run down of this world beforehand so that we wouldn't be spied on and they would understand the situations.

'Scan' I tell the matrix which quickly scans over the area.

I could literally feel soul force all around my body soaking into me. If being inside the cultivation rooms was like a sprinkle of soul energy entering my body then this was being inside of a lake of just pure soul force.

The abstruse gemstone on my neck was going crazy pulling in energy faster than I could cultivate previously.

But then again this entire world was made completely of soul energy. Unlike the previous worlds where there was just a trickle of it.

"Put up your gemstone necklace it might attract attention so only wear it privately." I tell Ning'er who nods. "I'll get you a proper cultivation technique later Stella and your own necklace."

"Okay Darling~ this place feels amazing!" Stella says. "However this body is kinda weird?"

There was a bit of a difference between a soul reaper and a ghost after all.

"I'm sure you will adapt. Let's change into our new clothes and look around some. Luckily since we are married and nobles we get to share a dorm at the academy." I tell them.

"Married?!" Ning'er says with an atomic blush.

"Of course my little wife, did you not want to room with me and Stella?" I ask with a grin as she stutters and looks bashful.

I chuckle before searching the room for clothes and swapping into them. No need to look even more suspicious. Plus the new robes were incredibly comfy.

Not a fan of socks and sandals though.

Annoys the crap out of me.

Anyway the very next day a representative came to escort us to the academy.

"Lord Grim, we are excited to have you and your wives attend the academy you will all be placed in class 1 due to your noble heritage. We have arranged appropriate room and board for you three." The man says quickly as we head towards the academy in a nice horse drawn carriage.

"Much appreciated."

Once there he takes over the responsibility of showing us around, giving us our uniforms and class schedule and a map of the grounds.

"You are more than welcome to hire a servant to tend to your needs your room has a personal kitchen and bathroom. If you need anything else please just head to the main office and make a request." The man quickly bows respectfully before leaving us at our new room. Classes won't officially start until tommorow, today was just people moving in and getting class schedules and learning the school.

"Well I'm looking forward to this." I say looking at the schedule showing quite a few classes, they even have laws and politics. A full class course is 6 years of course you can graduate early but I plan to take my time with my lovely little wives and enjoy myself.