71. Academy.

About the only problem with a Sharingan is that you may copy everything, but you still have to train your bodies muscle memory and form a habit of using certain moves or moving a certain way. You also don't automatically master the skills so you still need a long time to practice them to perfection.

If it wasn't that way then the Uchiha clan would have probably been unstoppable, I mean just because you copy some poor idiots moves doesnt mean they are perfect or you are better at them than he was.

Anyway the whole soul force moving thing was actually more difficult than I had realized, it's one thing to be able to look at your soul, it's an entirely different thing to move it or force part of it out if your body. Kind of like how chakra works but more ethereal, your soul wants to stay put, it doesnt want to be moved and jostled and forced out. Gotta work at it like an entirely new muscle.

Luckily I had a bit of practice with that in my ghost body so me and Stella got it rather quick. Ning'er had some trouble because she didn't really do anything with her soul besides absorb energy from the air with a chant. The most practice she got was pushing her soul force into a crystal designed to draw in soul force. So she struggled a bit.

There was only a small reaction from the teacher once we got our soul force out, it wasn't even stronger than the teacher. Just how powerful are these guys souls? But then again they spend hundreds or thousands of years in such an soul rich environment. Even if they don't cultivate it it naturally strengthens them to absurd levels.

Like a man living in 100x gravity for his entire life and then coming to earth and being able to just lift up cars or something.

I would test it later on and learn that legend ranks were pretty much the basic level of academy students sometimes even weaker.

Basically these guys were trash! Cannon fodder! I'm going to have to up my game.

Anyway after Kido class we had what was pretty much physical education once more. Having to run and exercise around a different training area. They were very serious about physical training. But then again the soul was more receptive to the energy in the air when exercising. So we were all passively getting more soul energy without even meditating or chanting.

The following classes after that were general classes, learning basic rules and laws of soul society. Learning about military command and ranks, how to identify superiors, that kind of stuff.

Then it was free time until the next day and we get weekends off classes.

"Let's head back to the room, we can get Stella a nice chant and then meditate for a while." I tell the two.

We will not be cultivating in the room as if we did that the large draw of soul force could attract attention or even just break down our room since it too is made from soul force.

My new internal world can provide just as much energy, and I can transplant all the soul based medicines to that world. Those things are going to become monstrous. Plus I can add in the time dilation.

"Okay." Ning'er says with a smile. She was incredibly pleased to be in a new world with me and didn't care what we did.

Stella was just excited for her own chant and to try cultivating. Her previous body wasn't able to for some reason.

I was mentally making changes to the new spirit world as I was going to call it. By the time we got back it was already finished and we vanished from the room.

There was already a simple base set up, and I took out my abstruse necklace and put it on feeling the spirit energy just overflow into my body. The various white soul fruits and trees in the distance could be seen pretty much pulsing from all the energy they were absorbing. Like the trees themselves were breathing and enlarging. Same for the hundreds or thousands of soul based plants I had snatched from both the tales world and the doulou world. This place was basically part of the dungeon I had just whipped together for the purpose of soul based cultivation.

If anyone from either of those worlds were here they would go crazy from all the energy in the air and various medicines sprouting up all over the place like they were on drugs.

I had Amelia help Stella with a chant before sitting down and tossing a pill into my mouth and starting my own.

If previously I was getting about 1000 soul force an hour now I was getting close to 100x that. 100,000 soul force an hour was monstrous, every breath was just loaded with energy that poured into my soul. I split it up to nourish the Gedo statue and the Grim Reaper spirit both gobbling it up greedily.

However a few minutes later my body trembled as a large white spirit ring popped up behind me from the Grim Reaper. It seems to have bestowed me an ability. I forgot that spirit rings were still a thing for a second. Well now I had something else to look forward too.

The ability was rather simple, just called reapers cloak and it covered my body in a dark shadow like cloak making me nearly impossible to identify. It swirled around and moved like smoke but kept my body hidden from view.

"Neat." I went back to cultivating and noticed the energy fed to the reaper now went towards a ring floating behind it, my spirit ring gradually started to change colors to a yellow color the more energy was pumped into it. This made the reapers cloak denser and more hard to see through, it seemed to thin out my existence while active too.

Good stuff!