70. Training.

The kendo teacher was an older gentleman with slightly graying hair and beard. "Alright class please pick up a one of the wooden swords from the racks." he only gave mimic a quick curious glance before going about his teaching.

"Today you'll be learning the basic kendo stance and practicing sword movements. I'll be moving around correcting your stance then for the next hour you simply will be swinging your sword. This is to help build up muscle memory and get you used to swinging a blade." The old man stated before each of the students moved to pick up one of the wooden swords off the racks.

"Now the basic way to hold your sword is like this, both hands on the hilt, legs spread slightly for balance, upper body turned slightly and back straight. Then you step forward and swing top to bottom." he demonstrates as every tries to copy his form luckily myself, Stella and Ning'er have a distinct advantage and are easily able to copy his movements.

It's good to start from the basics, gotta have a good foundation after all.

After a couple practice swings he makes his way around the room assisting the other students but giving us a small nod due to our form. "Very good. The way to becoming a master swordsman starts with a single swing of a sword."

The rest of the class was spent just swinging the sword over and over again. Some of the students had to be repeatedly corrected. Every class has idiots after all.

After that class ended we headed towards our Hapkuda cladd who was taught by an older woman.

"In this class you will be learning how to defend yourself should you ever find yourself without your zanpakuto. Fists, Feet, Knees, Elbows, Fingers, every part of your body could become a deadly weapon if trained correctly and I'm here to show you how to do that. This is also helpful for taking down criminals in your line of work without killing or seriously injuring them which will most likely be requested of you at some point in the 13 court guard squads."

She looks over all of us with a critical gaze.

"Now then the basics for Hapkuda are a strong body and stamina. Without a strong body how do you expect to overcome your opponents, now I want 10 laps around the dojo begin!" She says as everyone starts running around the large empty dojo with her following besides us.

After a couple of laps some of the nobles are already covered in sweat and complaining. Soul reaper bodies are rather weird after all, they can bleed, eat and get physically stronger but they are still souls.

"You will learn how to pace yourselves. how to breathe properly while running. You may have to chase criminals in the future, how can you do that if you become out of breath with just a simple running exercise?" She asks running beside us looking perfectly fine. Of course I make sure to try to copy her muscle movements and breathing pattern and it does become much easier. Stella and Ning'er had the same idea.

The teacher of course notices our adjustments and gives an appreciative nod before going back to teaching.

For our next class we have to head outside. There is a large obstacle course set up and a slim looking young man waiting with arms crossed and a serious look on his face.

"Hoho is the art of moving at high speeds, dodging, balance and navigating obstacles with ease. You will be running this obstacle course, dodging various obstacles and moving along different terrains from now on." He quickly demonstrates by running rapidly through each obstacle, avoiding swinging logs, hopping over bamboo, walking across planks, and climbing walls.

"Ugh more running!" A fat noble says still covered in sweat.

"Yes more running." The teacher says coming to a halt in front of us not even slightly winded. "Running can save your life, dodging can save your life, climbing can save your life. In certain situations if you don't dodge you die, you don't run you die, and you don't climb you die. Since you were the first to complain, you can be the first to go through the course."

The fat man looks horrified.

There are things like monkey bars, rope bridges, swinging sand bags and rotating platforms and the ground underneath doesnt look very soft.


The fat man immediately runs forward about 20 seconds in he is slapped off to the side by a large bag of sand and lands with a loud oof and a fart escapes him as he slaps into the ground making the others roar with laughter.

"Fail! Get to the back of the line. Next!"

One by one the students rush through the obstacle course with varying results.

Luckily we paid attention when he was doing his run through the course and copied his movement, the Sharingan was also able to help with predicting the swinging sand bags and easily bypass them.

Seems our trio was probably going to be top on most of the physical classes. Hard to beat the Sharingan when it comes to learning physical skills.

"Pass! Try to improve your speed and balance a bit more, back of the line." The teacher says offering some more advice.

After the obstacle course we all headed to the canteen for a large lunch before heading off to Kido class.

Inside was a young bookish woman's with glasses on her face. "Kido or the demon arts is a way to turn your Reitsu or spiritual power into different forms with chants, to do this you must first learn how to control and move your Reitsu through your body, but before that you must be able to feel your Reitsu." A large pressure descends as the releases her spiritual pressure on the class.

"Starting now I will show you how to meditate to feel your soul force. Now please take a seat on the floor and close your eyes." She says sitting down in front of everyone and crossing her legs.