90. Zanpakuto, grim reaper.

Standing in front of me were 3 of my 4 Zanpakuto in human form. Muramasa, Shinso and Kyoka Suigetsu.

Shinso was a long haired woman with a muscular body covered in scars, she had bandages wrapped around her arms and wore a mini-skirt with thigh high boots. She had rusty red hair in a ponytail and a bra like top. Right now she was lazing on the couch eating some dried fruits.

Kyoka as I'll call her now, wore a simple blue Kimono covered in flowers, she had perfect white skin, long straight black hair and clear blue eyes. She was currently pouring me some tea.

Mura was just calmly standing behind me waiting for orders as my current lieutenant.

As for Mimic, well Mimic didn't really have a human form as it was an amorphous ball of slime that constantly changed form so.

"Mm good tea." I compliment.

"Thank you master." Kyoka says politely.

"So are we just going to lay around here all day or what?" Shinso asks bored out of her mind.

"You can go fight Unohana if you want?" I offer.

Shinso blanches, "That woman is crazy! Seriously off her gourd. Suicidal battle maniac is what she is!"

They had met when I found out that Shinso is a training maniac herself and I threw her to Unohana who kept pestering me to fight.

They didn't stop fighting for like 3 days and parts of various barracks were destroyed until old man Yamamoto stepped in.

Shinso developed a healthy respect for yandere level swordsmen with healing abilities and a thirst for bloodshed.

Luckily Kyoka acts like a perfect little maid and Mura is a very eager to help assistant.

Kyoka does have this little quirk of wanting everything perfect and pristine though, so she is either always cleaning or always working on her tea making skills or cooking.

Since Unohana had my other official cook Ning'er.

Mimic just liked to laze around like me. So any chance of putting it in some kind of position in the squad was shot down.

"Maybe Mura will spar with you then. I think I'm going to work on my reaper spirit today." The spirit I got from Doulou Dalu hadn't see much attention or my Gedo statue, both were under the legend rank right now.

I had a single spirit ring which was a black shadowy cloak that hid my identity and lowered my presence, the higher I ranked up the ring the more invisible I became. Right now it was only at 100 years old.

"I have a pillow for you to meditate on master." Kyoka says patting her lap.

Such a good maid.

I turn into my cat form and set myself on the pair of lovely pillows before entering meditation mode.

Well I've got over 927 billion soul force soooo.

I quickly dump about a billion into the Gedo statue which doesn't change it much but put it at captain level.

I dump a million into my reaper and it quickly spits out 8 more rings all white rings.

"So a titled doulou is only at legend rank? Eh seems logical. So let's see what I got." I look over the new rings.

The first one is the cloak that conceals.

The second ring tells me if someone is lying to me. That's incredibly useful.

The third ring is a lantern that releases a mist that only I can see through. Also useful.

The fourth ring is a key that unlocks all doors. Strange but I'll take it.

The fifth ring is an attack that let's me tear out the soul. I already had something like that so I guess I didn't get all winners.

"Oooh!" The sixth is a soul storage where I can put souls to call upon later on.

The seventh let's me call on the souls in the storage to fight for me.

The eight let's me absorb the souls to increase my power.

The ninth is a scythe that causes unhealable wounds, so basically an immortal killing weapon.

Good stuff overall.

I dump soul force into each ring bumping them to 1 billion years which is insane. Some of the skills evolve into higher forms and I reach rank 100 titled Douluo. That dropped my soul force by over 10 billion but it's fine.

Instead of just being able to store souls my spirit can store all dead things, souls, bodies, that kinda stuff and turn them into skeletons or zombies or just plain undead like my own personal hell. My cloak can also hide me completely and allow me to float and become intangible.

Like Harry Potter but better!

The spirit rings are all a cold gray color with various black and purple designs around them. Turns the entire area dark and gloomy when they are summoned out.

The highest ranked soul rings I've ever heard about. But then again I could probably keep going but that seems wasteful and I still want 1 trillion soul force.

Just felt like leveling them up today as I left them floating around bronze and silver rank which was crap in my book.

Sadly Mura couldn't turn them into human form as they weren't sword spirits or Zanpakuto. So they were stuck inside for now.

"Well that's a good days work!" I stretch on Kyoka happily.

"You've been sitting there for like 5 minutes talking to yourself, what do you mean good days work?" Shinso says on the couch.

"Well theres nothing else to do I already caught all the criminals outside the walls. I'm still waiting for them to respawns and the clone are busy patrolling. How bout you go make sure Shinji is still bald maybe try to draw on his head or something see if you can get a black dot right at the top of his head." I suggest.

"Heh, that does sound like fun!" Shino says standing up and grabbing a black permanent marker before vanishing with a grin.

"You know he's going to come and fight you for that right?" Mura asks.

"He still hasn't noticed the seal on his head preventing his hair from growing back." I laugh as Kyoka rubs my head.