Chapter 168: Monster, Part 5

"Everyone keeps saying they're going to make Ruben the new High Priest. Out of all the remaining Priests, His Majesty picked Ruben."

Telmé draped his arms loosely around Korin's shoulders. "Which one is Ruben?"

"He always smells like burned potatoes. Never shaves properly and is always finding excuses not to take his fair turn at making medicine and tending the sick."

"Oh, I know the one you mean. His skin is always blotchy and red. He does smell bad. I hate when I have to stand close to him."

"He smells that way because he's always sneaking off to smoke Alwyn weed up in the old storage rooms where he thinks no one else ever goes." Korin slowly looked up; Telmé had never been so acutely aware of his closeness. Apparently knowing how soft someone's lips were changed a lot of things. "He's good at sermons, though, which is probably part of the reason they picked him. He's the one who's been teaching me how to give them; they're my least favorite lesson."