Chapter 169: Monster, Part 6

The second Paladin leaned against the wall, crossed his arms over his chest. "How in the name of the Goddesses did you manage to become a Prince of the Blood?"

"How did such a lazy, sullen man come to be a Paladin?" Telmé countered.

"I was approved by the Goddesses," the Paladin snapped. He pushed away from the wall and stepped in close, looming over Telmé. "I completed my training, passed my tests, and was granted holy power by the Sacred Three. That's how I became a Paladin, Highness. By doing things the right way."

Telmé looked up at him and bared his fangs. "The right way? You mean I should have left your fellows to go off and face demons that likely would have slaughtered many of them before they could be stopped? I should have stayed here and done nothing, let men go off to die when it was within my power to help?"

"You should have respected the decision of the Legion," the Paladin snapped. "Not behaved as if you were above it!"