Not so Secret Love

After lunch, I decided to go to my locker to change out the books. I just grab the 4 classes I read in the morning so I don't have to carry like 10 textbooks around. It's a lot easier to head back to my locker than carry a heavy backpack around. A note falls out when I open it.."Meet me by the big tree in the courtyard at 12"

1. Why the hell is this here?

2. Who wrote this?

3. Their handwriting is sloppy as hell.

4. Why write this when you could have sat with me at lunch at told me?

5. Who do they think they are bossing me around?

I looked up at the clock and it was 11:55, so I decided to just go on out here and wait. Little did I know, Ben was there. He was famous at school for hanging out with his troublesome friends, no one dared to mess with them. Everyone here knows not to fuck with him, nor his friends. People automatically know if you get on their bad side you might as well be considered dead. No one dares to ask his friends nor him for help in anything mainly class, if you're paired with them in class people are automatically scared and ask to switch with someone else. Everyone is afraid of him, when quite literally they should fear me instead. Considering the fact I've actually torn someone apart but, I don't care to ask why he's there I just sit and wait. 


"What are you doing here Aiden?"~... He had a very deep voice and it made me shiver. His accent though was very hot to tell the honest truth. "I'm here because of the note I'm guessing you put in MY locker." He looked at me like he was shocked, to say the least when quite literally HE put it in there himself. "Well, you finally decide to arrive. What took you so long?" "Some of us care about our education, and have to put our books away before we go places." He looked me up and down. He has a very mysterious vibe going on with him. "Well since you're here, I need to give you something." Why is he acting so weird? I don't like, 1. because I can't predict what he's about to do, and 2. No one has ever done this. It's strange."Why do you need to give me something? Why ARE you giving me something?" He put his hand over my mouth, he puts another note in my hand. Kind of hot if you ask me. Toxic boyfriend vibes and I'm HERE for it. I am scared that someone might see us, what would they think? 

"Take it read it in a place no one can see you." After all that he walks away, he could have at LEAST explained why. He left me with most questions unanswered. I don't like leaving them unanswered because it takes my focus off staying out of the line of "oh look there he is." I like him, I'll admit that but I can't because it keeps me here. 

///The Note:

"Hey Aiden, I've been watching you for a while. And trust me Aiden, I KNOW. Don't be scared amor, you intrigue me, some might say that I "like" you. Well, I do, you're different than any other guy or girl here I could like or even take interest in. You know how the world is, it's not all unicorns and rainbows. You have felt and seen that the world is a very cruel place, and I like that about you. You're broken like me, shattered even. You know how it is to be broken and wish to be saved, you know how it is to be screaming for help and for no one to notice you. I love that about you, you realize how the real world is, you don't look through a filter of unicorns and rainbows like the rest of this pitiful fucking town. You realize and shout out the truth, without any hesitation. Everyone in this stupid-ass town lies about themselves and their friends because they are scared to face the one and only truth about the world; that the world itself is full of evil, but the one good thing about this town in my eyes is you. Ever since you have gotten here I could just tell this year is going to be different. The one thing that I truly did realize that you did was you looked right through the mask that I put on in front of everyone. You looked straight through it like you knew I was hiding something. That's the first thing that caught my eye. You are really something else Aiden. I hope that one day I can call you my boyfriend and not have to fuck around with the rest of these people in this boring ass town. I hope to talk to you more, here's my number ~Love Ben.//

Well then, that note/letter was something. He acts like he doesn't care about anyone or anything then he goes and does this for me. He's never done that for anyone, He's never "liked or loved" anyone from what I've heard, he's always messed around, slept around, etc. I don't think he's ever been in an actual relationship all I've heard is that he makes people fall for him then breaks their hearts. He uses them all like toys in his little sadistic game of "love?" Maybe I'm the special one that will finally get access to his dark heart, or to him am I just a pleasant distraction? Really hoping that he doesn't just view me as one of his boy toys he can just fuck around with. 

Whoever let him know, is a dead man. If that gets out I'm done for , I'm actually using my real name in this town, I'm been using fake ones but they get confusing when you've used them since you were 12, you get them mixed up all the time, and you get caught up in your own lies. It's not fun explaining why you answered to "adam" and not "Xavier"(your name at the time.) Though half the time I just lie and say I was joking when I answer it, they don't believe me, it spreads around the whole school and I'm called a liar the entire year of that grade, again not a very fun thing.

He said he knew something. If it's what I think it is, how the fuck did he find out. Me and Willow did our damndest to make sure no one would find out. HOW THE FUCK. The name situation hasn't been the worst thing I've had to deal with, my driver's license fake was a little too fake. I was being pulled over for speeding, me being 16 at the time on my like 10th fake name didn't know if the cop was talking to me or not, and got confused.I've always enjoyed staying invisible. Makes it a lot easier to leave, and stay gone. Makes it so much easier to drop off the face of the world. Even if the face of the world means death.Death itself doesn't seem half bad but the fact I might see my father and mother is not a good thing to me I'd rather not deal with the catastrophe of that. Then again, I could tell them off for abusing us for all those years.

After all that mess I decided to just skip the rest of the day, all I had left anyways was Calculus and History, both classes I had already finished early because I truly didn't feel like doing it week by week, they're both online so I just finished it out so I could go home. As I headed to the office after lunch to check myself out almost everyone in the hallway was staring at me, this isn't a good thing. No one would ever do this unless I had done something drastic or someone said or saw something. I continued to walk with my head down though because I truly do NOT feel like dealing with it right now- until I bumped into this brick wall...

"Son of a- please fucking move, I'd like to get home." He towers over me, and god his scent.. Ben looks down on Aiden."Well Hello, Mi Amor~" Shit. It's Ben. "Hello Ben, please move I'd like to go home." "And if I don't, what are you gonna do?" He got close to my ear and whispered, "Are you gonna finally kiss me like you've been wanting to do for weeks hm?" "I might if you don't move."Weird, he moved by. Sucks for him, missed the opportunity to kiss me. I continued to walk through the front doors of the school and drove home. I pulled into the driveway and there were 2 cars I've never seen before, fucking great, cops? FBI? CIA? I don't know, and I don't trust it at fucking all.

I walked into the house and it looked like a fucking AA meeting was going on in my living room with my brother.

"Welcome home Aiden" "Dude who the fuck are all these people?" He looks up at me, "A couple of friends don't worry about it." "I'm just gonna head upstairs and let you chill down here, I have exams coming up so don't get loud I have to actually graduate thanks." 

A lot of hours later (now 6 AM)

Well, I just stayed up unnaturally late, I truly never went to sleep because I was studying for exams that start, well tomorrow technically now since I didn't sleep. Studying is a pain in my ass.