Rival Gang?

(Back Story: Aiden had just gotten home after school, his brother was downstairs. He had never been to sleep due to studying for an exam that was being held that following morning. On his drive to school he was targeted by Benjamin's rival gang/mafia. Ace had no idea that Ben was involved in such thing. He took a guess but always thought it wasn't true. Ace's car had been shot up.) 

Ben had shot all of them... all 18. What the fuck is going on. Who is he? He ran up to me, "Are you okay?!? Why the fuck are you here Aiden." He grabbed my wrist and pulled me to his car.

"Wait what was that Ben?" He looked at me with that kind of "I'm afraid I'll scare him off" type of look. He finally spoke up after about 30 seconds of silence. "Those people Aiden... The ones I shot, are the rival gang. They want me dead, my head on a stick or yours in exchange, and I see they wanted yours." What the fuck does this kid do in his spare time? And what the fuck does this have to do with me. "What do you mean?" Are you in the mafia?" I'm gonna laugh if he actually says yes. "Have been since I was 12, as I've said, father wanted to keep the business going so he passed it down to me, even at a young age I've been preparing to take over, and I have. My training has paid off." Oh. He's being serious... why's that kinda hot- NO AIDEN. 

Whatever I'm gonna ask as much as I can without pushing it, hopefully, it doesn't get me killed. "Well, how long have you been this 'mafia'?" He started to drive down the road it was getting dark quickly, this isn't the way to my house. "I've been involved since I was 12, my father runs the whole thing and he says he wants to keep the family business going. Had me recruited in my sleep. Scared me half to fucking death when I woke up with a gun to my head, telling me to run outside with to the car with PJs on, it's a vibe." How in the hell is this a "vibe," isn't that literally kidnapping, it is in my book if I've ever seen it. This is his life, not mine, but honestly, I'm starting to not care as long as I have him by my side, I think I'll be okay. As long as I have him I should be somewhat alright. 

I mean he's cute in all but I'm not trying to die to be together with him. Yes, I am honestly- "We're going to my house, it shouldn't be far from here actually. You'll be safe there. I don't want you to get hurt." He grabbed my hand and caressed my thumb softly trying to calm my nerves. I truly didn't think he would be like this, gentle, he's not going soft he's gentle, I'm surprised. Not gonna lie my anxiety has gone to shit since that had happened. Let's hope it doesn't happen again. Maybe this can work out for me in the long run. Personal bodyguard? Well, the personal bodyguard is hot, not even going to try a lie. He is hot and all but what if we end up both criminals (we already are aiden), I mean isn't he already one, to begin with, being in the mafia would guarantee he is, right? 

You would think if he was in a mafia he's already a "criminal" but honestly, the government is run by all the mafias, they control everything if you think about it truly THEY'RE the ones running the government. Technically they do.







1 hour or so later

I think I might have fallen asleep. We're still driving? Huh, weird. He said he didn't live far. An hour doesn't seem short to me. He looks at me, "Oh hey, we're still driving. Should be there any minute now." He looks like he's pissed off, no one told him he was required to take me with him. I can protect myself, I'm not some weak link that can't do anything for himself, I know better than that. "It's been an hour, it shouldn't take this long." I hate long drives, you start to hate them when every 2-4 months you're driving across state lines to get away from something you've been running from for years. It gets exhausting. 

I might be falling for a mafia man. Which in itself shouldn't be that bad, I personally think it's kind of hot to have someone so possessive over you, not even wanting people to look at you and if they do, a gun at their head immediately. The POWER I would have dating someone like that, or marrying them? I mean I would love to have someone like that. I would also love the fact I wouldn't have to look over my shoulder, I would have someone else to do that for me.

Ben has that power that I've been longing for in a relationship for years, I've been looking for someone who can accept what I've done and take me in completely and not judge me at all, just love me for me. Not the me that's been fighting for survival, love the actual me, the one whose smile is real, and the one who is actually alive. Numbness saves sometimes, but at the same time being numb kills you slowly. It has been for years, honestly, I'm surprised I'm still alive. The rules have saved me, yeah but, at the same time, it isn't nice to have not been in a relationship for years because of them. I just want love. 

After all these years I've been living for my survival, not once did I stop to think that I could actually fall in love. I never got the time nor the chance to believe in "love," yes I know it exists, it's in movies and books, but I know one thing for sure, the shit in movies and books, isn't real. The real world is fucking evil, in books, there are no murderers, rapists, or anything such of the manner, in real life obviously, they are, unfortunately, but this is the wicked world we live in.

The world we live in is so fucked up, that's why I'm honestly scared as fuck to get caught and have kids. Let me explain the kids part, kids are innocent, until they're not. The world takes them captive, destroys that happiness in their eyes that kept them alive. The world kills them slowly, and you can see that it is, but you feel like you can't do fucking anything. You see they're struggling, you try to talk to them, get them to open up to you, but they don't trust you, their reasoning being "I'm fine dad," I know of all this because I was that kid I'm talking about.

The world fucked me and Willow over, it always has, there has never been a peaceful fucking moment while living in this round rock called "Earth." It's fucking pathetic, this world is a sad sad place. Like honestly, what's the purpose of going through all this bad shit, what do we get in return. Do we get "stronger?" Well, you do in return for a shit ton of trauma, so hypothetically you can say you've gotten "stronger," when in reality you just learned to grow up mentally, way too fucking fast for your own good. All I know is that it truly fucked me up, it always has. The world has never served up a nice slice of a "nice life," to neither me and Willow, all we got was shit pieces of parents, fuck ton of trauma and an addiction to the freedom that running gives you. I'm tired of running. 

I never have a good fucking day when it's involving this bullshit, but ever since I met Ben, I've been good. Honestly, is Ben the piece I've been missing all along? He could be, if I'm being honest I hope he is, it seems like it is at this point, and I'm not opposed to it. I like him, he understands me, almost even more than I understand myself. It's like he sees into my soul and understands what I've done, more so he completely doesn't mind, like he's done worse, I don't doubt that he has. His initiation was probably killing someone in front of his father to prove his "loyalty," to the mafia. The more I start to think about it, I don't mind falling in love with a mafia boy. I also don't mind the fact that it's almost like he doesn't care about what I've done, he just wants me for myself.


Ben's POV

Ace looks like he's lost in his own thoughts. I wonder if he knows I'm starting to fall for him. Did we go from this kind of scattered friendship to a maybe relationship? If we were to start dating, I wouldn't let a soul harm him again, he deserves so much more than he thinks he does. He's an angel in my eyes, I know it sounds really corny but I mean it. I don't care about what he's done because I promise I've done worse to other people. I would never let anyone harm nor touch him. He would finally be mine once and for all, once he's mine EVERYONE will know.