Haunted (2)

It had been 20 minutes of walking through the passageway with normal speed, and Sylvia couldn't shake the skin crawling aura she was feeling off.

The passageway was slightly brighter than the hall they had been before. However, it was incomparably spookier than the hall.

"Huuh... Am I the only one feeling this?" She turned her head to Norman. Without glancing at her, Norman replied, "No. The closer we get, the stronger the aura is." He even had an unusually normal face—which means, he had no scowl on his face.

Sylvia turned her head to Basil. He was still leading them in the front, completely unfazed by the aura the passage was exuding.

Surely, she knew not to compare herself with him. The stunts Basil had displayed were enough indication they were in a whole different level.

Suddenly, Basil raised his hand. As everyone saw that, Thompson didn't bother to shout it out.

Stepping forward to Basil's side, Thompson asked, "What is it?"