Haunted (3)

Getting from the narrow part of the room to the part where Thompson and Norman could move freely took them three seconds. In that three seconds, they had covered 180 meters, thanks to their Movement Technique.

As they had perfectly observed the path was safe beforehand, they didn't need to pass it carefully anymore. Therefore, they could fully utilize their Qi to use their Movement Technique. In result, they were combat ready in no time.

Upon arriving to the part of the room where they could fight properly, they quickly turned their body toward the Monster chasing them. The monster was coming at them with a speed comparable to their to their earlier speed.

What made it amazing was the lack usage of Miasma—the type of energy that Monster used. Meanings, the Monster had chased them by utilizing its physical prowess only.

"Darn, this guy won't be alone!" Thompson cursed under his breath.