Haunted (4)

The humanoid figure sticking out of the giant spider's head gazed at the two people. It was a hairless and pale body of a man. It perfectly portrayed the appearance of a dying person.

This creature was an Upper-Low Class Demon named Threader. It was the only Low Class Demon that somehow had a feature similar to human, albeit only half of it.

"In..tru...der..." It also could speak.

Sylvia widened her eyes, and looked at the Threader in horror. "It can speak!" Surely, she knew how to tone her voice down.

Basil gazed at the Threader calmly. "I wonder where you keep your treasure." The Threader focused its gaze at Basil, then replied, "No trea..su...re for hu..man."

Basil had a thought to try something out, and he was fully intending to do it.

'Guide, what is Low Class Demon language?'


[Clearing the Host's ignorance...]