How It Feels to Be The Loser

"Despite knowing that you are one, you don't know your own trait, huh?" Iliana quirked her eyebrow in amusement. "Very well, I will tell you about it. First, we have an abnormal vitality that makes us really good in be—"

"I don't need to know that." Basil raised this hand to stop Iliana from speaking any further.

"Are you sure?" Crossing her hands below her chest, she pushed her two assets up. "Would you rather to figure it out directly?" She looked at Basil suggestively.

"Quit yapping nonsense." Basil waved his hand mildly in dismissal. "We can talk about that when you are old enough."

Iliana's eyebrow twitched, and she was definitely irritated by Basil's word. However, she was professional enough to make it apparent.

"Kuhum! Second, our control over Mana is off the charts, so naturally all of us possess Grand Circle; talent still decides the amount of Grand Circle you can possess though. Third, we can practice [One With Nature] which is the Art of Dmitra."