How It Feels To Be The Loser (2)

Iliana widened her eyes in surprise. "You can feel the other Pacifer? Does your Pacifer Seal allow you to do that?" She was rather bewildered and sceptical.


"That is..." Iliana frowned lightly. "That shouldn't be possible. Only Maha Dmitra can do that. Did you, by any chance, receive your Pacifer Seal from your—no, it won't be possible either; Babies can't bear the burden Pacifer Seal gives them."

Iliana was muttering to herself, and Basil looked at her in interest. While he couldn't really explain where he had gotten his seal from, he was sure it wasn't something that a Maha Dmitra had bestowed him; like he had said, he was born with it.

"Huuh... you really are an anomaly, aren't you?" In the end, Iliana decided to give up. "Anyway, why do you have to wait until you break through to the Upper Realm to look for our Clan?" She looked at Basil curiously.

"Because, by then ... I already have the minimum power to protect myself and the people I care for from the world."