How It Feels To Be The Loser (6)


Basil gave an instruction to Deacon through their [Link], and jumped through the window. Deacon, who was sitting on the corner of the room in his Chibi form, immediately dashed forward and also jumped through the window right after Basil.

While midair, Deacon positioned himself below Basil as he returned to his original size—a 6 meters tall King Saberwolf that was half as big as the building. Basil landed on top of him smoothly, and together, they charged to the incoming horde of Demons.

"Uwah. That guy! He's really quick to act!" Everyone was awaken from their flustered state by Cray's exclamation.

Scolding themselves inwardly, the Mages quickly prepared their Art and Spell that they were going to use to face the incoming horde. The Knights were no different, as they were already activating their Aura Ability; they were ready to charge forward.