How It Feels To Be The Loser (7)

Iliana slightly frowned at Basil's cryptical answer. From the way he said it, it conveyed anything but care; Basil would likely leave the hostages behind after he used them. It was a heartless plan—very Mage-like of him—but Iliana didn't say anything about it.

"Prepare for battle."

On Basil's cue, Iliana focused her attention to the front. As Basil had predicted, as soon as they entered the perimeter, the Low Class Demons were busy guarding the humans filled cage.

Slightly away from the group of Low Class Demons that were busy guarding the cage, the Middle Class Demons were maintaining their rank while simultaneously surrounding a particular Demon, as if they were guarding it.

It didn't take Iliana even a second to deduce what the status of the Demon in the middle was. "I'll break through the rank, and slay the boss. You can free the hostages."

"Let Deacon help you."

"I don't mind."