How It Feels To Be The Loser (8)

"Oh my Lord! Thank you for answering my prayers!"

"We thank the esteemed Mage deeply from our heart for coming to save us!"

"May the Gods bestow an unending fortune to the benevolent Mage!"

Basil stared at the dramatically crying people in the cage, who were looking at him with eyes full of gratefulness, neutrally. There were exactly 99 people inside the cage, and all of their clothes were tainted in blood.

"You shall not celebrate too soon; I can't release you now. There are still many Monsters surrounding this place."

"Y-Yes, we are aware of the situation," answered one of the elderly civilians trapped inside the cage.

"Very well." Basil snorted coldly, and turned his back on the people. "Don't make too much noise. The louder you are, the bigger the urge the Monsters have to eat you."