The True Beginning of Nightmare (2)

"May I know what kind of crisis we are going to prevent?" Basil asked with a sigh despite knowing the answer.

"Unfortunately, I don't know. Our father didn't say anything about it, probably because he doesn't want to cause a panic." Edward frowned lightly. "I am inclined to believe, however, it is something very detrimental to our Kingdom."

Edward was not wrong saying what Goap and Scylla were going to do would greatly put the Kingdom in danger; in fact, it would even put the world in danger. What Scylla was about to do, after all, would result in countless of death.

Her Spell that she was still preparing, after all, would allow her to use Charybdis as a gate that connected her to every river, lake, and sea that was big enough to host Charybdis, which was many in Braxtein Kingdom.