The Beginning of Nightmare (3)

Receiving the people's curious gaze, Basil eventually told them to ask him what they wanted to ask. All of them were curious about the same thing, which was how he could be the Temporary Head Commander.

He simply told them about how he had defeated Cabalen to let them know of how fearsome Cabalen was, so they could understand the Legion Commanders' decision to appoint him as the Temporary Head Commander.

They then asked him about how he had grown so strong, which he answered with a diligent training. The most curious and critic person in the group, Darius, also asked how Basil could outstrip him in terms of power even though they were of the same level.

Everyone paid keen attention to the answer Basil was going to say, because they were very sure it was the true secret of his prowess. He merely shrugged however, and slapped them with the harsh reality.

"I am gifted."